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  AB是最常见的血型,占美国总人口的4%左右。研究发现,与其他血型的人相比,AB型血的人有82%的可能性发展有思维和记忆问题、老年痴呆症。   该研究是一项大型研究,涉及超过30,000人,平均随访研究3.4年。这些人在研究开始时没有记忆或思考功能问题,但在研究过程中,研究确定了495名参与者发生思维和记忆问题或认知障碍。   将上述这些人与587名没有认知问...





  研究人员还研究了血液中因子VIII的浓度,VIII可帮助血液凝结。高含量的因子VIII与认知损害和痴呆风险较高有关。 在这项研究中,具有较高水平因子VIII的人比蛋白质水平较低的人,发生思维和记忆问题的可能性高出24%。而AB型血的人与其他血型的人相比,有较高平均水平的Ⅷ因子。


  ABO blood type, factor VIII, and incident cognitive impairment in the REGARDS cohort

  Kristine S. Alexander, PhD, MCR, Neil A. Zakai, MD, MSc, Sarah Gillett, PhD, Leslie A. McClure, PhD, Virginia Wadley, PhD, Fred Unverzagt, PhD and Mary Cushman, MD, MSc

  Objective: To assess the relationships among ABO group, factor VIII (FVIII), and incident cognitive impairment in a large, prospective cohort study of black and white adults in the United States using a nested case-control design.

  Methods: Incident cognitive impairment was defined using cognitive domain tests over a mean follow-up of 3.4 years. ABO blood group was measured by genotyping in a nested case-control sample of 495 cases with cognitive impairment and 587 controls.

  Results: Those with blood group AB and those with higher FVIII had an increased risk of cognitive impairment, adjusting for age, race, region, and sex (respective odds ratios 1.82, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.15–2.90; and 1.24, 95% CI 1.10–1.38 for 40 IU/dL higher FVIII). Mean FVIII was higher in those with blood type AB (142 IU/dL; 95% CI 119–165) compared with O (104 IU/dL; 95% CI 101–107), and FVIII mediated 18% of the association between AB group and incident cognitive impairment (95% CI for mediation ?30% to 68%).

  Conclusions: Blood group AB and higher FVIII were associated with increased incidence of cognitive impairment in this prospective study. The association of blood group AB with incident cognitive impairment was not significantly mediated by FVIII levels.
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