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  文章中,研究者Cedric Chauve表示,我们利用计算机方法来重新构建蚊子祖先的基因组,并且分析在过去1亿年的过程中蚊子祖先染色体的进化情况;目的在于理解其染色体的进化过程,从而为揭开和疟疾相关的人类机体适应性机制提供帮助,同时研究人员也希望确定不同蚊子种间的遗传差异。

Population transcriptomics of human malaria parasites reveals the mechanism of artemisinin resistance
Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1260403
Sachel Mok1, Elizabeth A. Ashley2,3, Pedro E. Ferreira1, Lei Zhu1, Zhaoting Lin1, Tomas Yeo1, Kesinee Chotivanich4, Mallika Imwong4, Sasithon Pukrittayakamee5, Mehul Dhorda3,6,7, Chea Nguon8, Pharath Lim8,9, Chanaki Amaratunga9, Seila Suon8, Tran Tinh Hien10, Ye Htut11, M. Abul Faiz12, Marie A. Onyamboko13, Mayfong Mayxay14,15, Paul N. Newton2,3,14, Rupam Tripura2, Charles J. Woodrow2,3, Olivo Miotto2,16,17, Dominic P. Kwiatkowski16,17, François Nosten2,18, Nicholas P. J. Day2,3, Peter R. Preiser1, Nicholas J. White2,3, Arjen M. Dondorp2,3, Rick M. Fairhurst9, Zbynek Bozdech1,*
Artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum threatens global efforts to control and eliminate malaria. Polymorphisms in the kelch domain-carrying protein K13 are associated with artemisinin resistance, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are unknown. Here we analyze the in-vivo transcriptomes of 1,043 P. falciparum isolates from patients with acute malaria, and show that artemisinin resistance is associated with increased expression of unfolded protein response (UPR) pathways involving the major PROSC and TRiC chaperone complexes. Artemisinin resistant parasites also exhibit decelerated progression through the first part of the asexual intraerythrocytic development cycle. These findings suggest that artemisinin resistant parasites remain in a state of decelerated development at the young ring stage while their upregulated UPR pathways mitigate protein damage caused by artemisinin. The expression profiles of UPR-related genes also associate with the geographical origin of parasite isolates, further suggesting their role in emerging artemisinin resistance in the Greater Mekong Subregion.

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