

首页 » 研究 » 组学 2015-01-26 转化医学网 赞(4)

  近日,来自华盛顿大学的研究人员发现,热恋中的两个人总是希望自己的婚姻和健康可以长久,但在婚礼上亲密的朋友却可以“嗅出”新婚两个人的愿望是否可以成真。研究者Joshua Jackson表示,你总是希望自己的朋友以一种积极的态度来看待你,但是他们往往也具有可以预知你死亡的特性。本研究显示,一个人早年(20s)的个性可以帮助预测接下来75年里这个人的生活状况,而亲密的朋友实际上可以更好地预测个体的一些特性。




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Your Friends Know How Long You Will Live A 75-Year Study of Peer-Rated Personality Traits
Psychological Science doi: 10.1177/0956797614561800
Joshua J. Jackson1 James J. Connolly2 S. Mason Garrison3 Madeleine M. Leveille2 Seamus L. Connolly4
Although self-rated personality traits predict mortality risk, no study has examined whether one’s friends can perceive personality characteristics that predict one’s mortality risk. Moreover, it is unclear whether observers’ reports (compared with self-reports) provide better or unique information concerning the personal characteristics that result in longer and healthier lives. To test whether friends’ reports of personality predict mortality risk, we used data from a 75-year longitudinal study (the Kelly/Connolly Longitudinal Study on Personality and Aging). In that study, 600 participants were observed beginning in 1935 through 1938, when they were in their mid-20s, and continuing through 2013. Male participants seen by their friends as more conscientious and open lived longer, whereas friend-rated emotional stability and agreeableness were protective for women. Friends’ ratings were better predictors of longevity than were self-reports of personality, in part because friends’ ratings could be aggregated to provide a more reliable assessment. Our findings demonstrate the utility of observers’ reports in the study of health and provide insights concerning the pathways by which personality traits influence health.

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