

首页 » 研究 » 检验 2015-01-26 转化医学网 赞(3)
研究者们推测,性滥交导致性传播疾病传播率的提高会影响哺乳动物免疫系统的重塑过程,近日一篇发表于国际杂志Functional Ecology上的研究报告中,来自德国莱布尼兹动物园等处的研究人员则表示,上述理论或许并不适用于啮齿类动物,对于啮齿类动物而言,生存情况和居住环境是决定其免疫力变化的关键因素。

  研究者们推测,性滥交导致性传播疾病传播率的提高会影响哺乳动物免疫系统的重塑过程,近日一篇发表于国际杂志Functional Ecology上的研究报告中,来自德国莱布尼兹动物园等处的研究人员则表示,上述理论或许并不适用于啮齿类动物,对于啮齿类动物而言,生存情况和居住环境是决定其免疫力变化的关键因素。



  研究者Jundong Tian说道,我们都知道,性传播病原体的流行同免疫参数一样在不同的哺乳动物群体中发生着改变,而性传播疾病引发的压力并不是驱动所有哺乳动物免疫功能的决定子。


  以上为转化医学网原创翻译整理。如需转载,请联系 info@360zhyx.com。

Circulating white blood cell counts in captive and wild rodents are influenced by body mass rather than testes mass, a correlate of mating promiscuity
Functional Ecology Jundong Tian1,2,*, Alexandre Courtiol3, Karin Schneeberger4, Alex D. Greenwood1,2 andGábor Á. Czirják
Comparative studies of captive primates and carnivores have shown a positive correlation between total white blood cell (WBC) counts and the level of inferred mating promiscuity (e.g. using testes mass). This correlation has been interpreted to support the ‘sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)’ hypothesis, which states that differential spread of STDs is caused by variation in mating behaviour which shapes baseline aspects of the immune system in mammals.
In the present study, we tested the STDs hypothesis in rodents using 28 species from free-ranging and 9 species from captive populations. We compiled data set for the 9 studies of captive rodent populations from the International Species Information System (ISIS) and gathered 136 studies of wild populations from the literature.
Using phylogenetic generalized least-squares statistical models considering non-independence resulting from shared ancestry, we confirmed that species with greater adult body mass averaged across sexes had elevated total WBC and differential WBC (neutrophils and lymphocytes) counts and that captive animals presented higher lymphocyte counts than free-ranging ones.
However, we found that the total and differential WBC counts did not covary with the residual testes mass – a correlate of mating promiscuity. The results suggest that selection pressures caused by STDs may strongly vary among taxonomic groups. In order to determine the drivers of immunological variation among mammals, further comparative immunological studies including a wide range of taxonomic groups and socio-ecological variables should be performed and we recommend doing so by primarily focusing on free-ranging animals.

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