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近日,梅奥诊所的研究人员开发出了一种新型的乳腺癌风险预测模型,其可以将良性乳腺疾病患者的乳腺活组织检查特性同单一病人的人口统计信息相结合,来更精确地对乳腺癌风险进行分类,这种新型预测模型优于当前的乳腺癌筛选标准,相关研究刊登于国际杂志the Journal of Clinical Oncology上。

  近日,梅奥诊所的研究人员开发出了一种新型的乳腺癌风险预测模型,其可以将良性乳腺疾病患者的乳腺活组织检查特性同单一病人的人口统计信息相结合,来更精确地对乳腺癌风险进行分类,这种新型预测模型优于当前的乳腺癌筛选标准,相关研究刊登于国际杂志the Journal of Clinical Oncology上。

  研究者Amy Degnim表示,正常情况下医生们通过活组织检查来对个体的乳腺组织进行评估,要么是进行测试要么就是进行乳房x光检查来筛选乳腺癌;然而大约四分之三的活组织检查都是良性结果且都和良性乳房疾病相关,每年有超过100万美国女性的活组织检查结果都为良性,但她们想知道是否她们后期会进展为乳腺癌。




  以上为转化医学网原创翻译整理。如需转载,请联系 info@360zhyx.com。


Model for Individualized Prediction of Breast Cancer Risk After a Benign Breast Biopsy
JCO doi: 10.1200/JCO.2014.55.4865
V. Shane Pankratz, Amy C. Degnim, Ryan D. Frank, Marlene H. Frost, Daniel W. Visscher, Robert A. Vierkant, Tina J. Hieken, Karthik Ghosh, Yaman Tarabishy, Celine M. Vachon, Derek C. Radisky and Lynn C. Hartmann⇑

Purpose Optimal early detection and prevention for breast cancer depend on accurate identification of women at increased risk. We present a risk prediction model that incorporates histologic features of biopsy tissues from women with benign breast disease (BBD) and compare its performance to the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (BCRAT).

Methods We estimated the age-specific incidence of breast cancer and death from the Mayo BBD cohort and then combined these estimates with a relative risk model derived from 377 patient cases with breast cancer and 734 matched controls sampled from the Mayo BBD cohort to develop the BBD–to–breast cancer (BBD-BC) risk assessment tool. We validated the model using an independent set of 378 patient cases with breast cancer and 728 matched controls from the Mayo BBD cohort and compared the risk predictions from our model with those from the BCRAT.

Results The BBD-BC model predicts the probability of breast cancer in women with BBD using tissue-based and other risk factors. The concordance statistic from the BBD-BC model was 0.665 in the model development series and 0.629 in the validation series; these values were higher than those from the BCRAT (0.567 and 0.472, respectively). The BCRAT significantly underpredicted breast cancer risk after benign biopsy (P = .004), whereas the BBD-BC predictions were appropriately calibrated to observed cancers (P = .247).

Conclusion We developed a model using both demographic and histologic features to predict breast cancer risk in women with BBD. Our model more accurately classifies a woman's breast cancer risk after a benign biopsy than the BCRAT.

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