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  研究者表示,本文研究为我们理解机体老化进程,同时为开发新型检测手段来帮助鉴别处于风险的个体提供了一定的帮助;研究者Dan Arking说道,线粒体DNA或许是一种很有用的生物标志物来用于进行机体老化的研究,线粒体并不像其它细胞结构,其有自身独特的DNA,即2-10个小型环状的染色体,可以编码37个实现染色体功能的基因,依赖于细胞对能量的需求程度,每个细胞中大约有10个至成千个线粒体。




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Association of mitochondrial DNA levels with frailty and all-cause mortality
Journal of Molecular Medicine doi:10.1007/s00109-014-1233-3
Foram N. Ashar, Anna Moes, Ann Z. Moore, Megan L. Grove, Paulo H. M. Chaves, Josef Coresh, Anne B. Newman, Amy M. Matteini, Karen Bandeen-Roche, Eric Boerwinkle, Jeremy D. Walston, Dan E. Arking
Mitochondrial function is altered with age and variants in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) modulate risk for several age-related disease states. However, the association of mtDNA copy number, a readily available marker which reflects mitochondrial depletion, energy reserves, and oxidative stress, on aging and mortality in the general population has not been addressed. To assess the association between mtDNA copy number and two primary outcomes—prevalent frailty and all-cause mortality—we utilize data from participants who were from two multicenter, multiethnic, community-based, prospective studies—the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) (1989–2006) and the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study (1987–2013). A total of 4892 participants (43.3 % men) from CHS and 11,509 participants (44.9 % men) from ARIC self-identifying as white or black were included in the analysis. mtDNA copy number, the trait of interest, was measured using a qPCR-based method in CHS and an array-based method in ARIC from DNA isolated from whole blood in participants from both cohorts. In race-stratified meta-analyses, we observe a significant inverse association of mtDNA copy number with age and higher mtDNA copy number in women relative to men. Lower mtDNA copy number was also significantly associated with prevalent frailty in white participants from CHS (OR 0.91, 95 % CI 0.85–0.97). Additionally, mtDNA copy number was a strong independent predictor of all-cause mortality in an age- and sex-adjusted, race-stratified analysis of 16,401 participants from both cohorts with a pooled hazard ratio of 1.47 (95 % CI 1.33–1.62) for the lowest quintile of mtDNA copy number relative to the highest quintile.

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