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  据彭博社报道,个性化基因组检测公司23andMe将在近期着手药物开发。在2013年美国FDA禁止23andMe向美国民众提供基因组检测服务之后,23andMe已经重新制定了公司未来的发展方向。上个月,该公司的罕见基因疾病检测试验获得了美国FDA批准。而在更早的一月份,该公司宣布了与Genentech的战略合作,共同开发老年痴呆症的新型疗法。如今,23andMe雇佣了Genentech的前总经理 Richard Scheller ,着手发展该公司的医药事业。

  23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki 对彭博社说:“我想要挑战我的极限。”




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 Personal genetics company 23andMe will soon start developing pharmaceuticals, according to Bloomberg. After the Food and Drug Administration ordered the company to stop selling its direct-to-consumer spit tests in 2013, 23andMe has been figuring out where to go next; last month the FDA approved it to start selling a screening test for a rare genetic condition, and in January it announced apartnership with biotech company Genentech to develop new treatments for Parkinson’s Disease. Now it has hired former Genentech executive Richard Scheller to undertake its own pharmaceutical endeavors.
  “I want to push the limits,” CEO Anne Wojcicki told Bloomberg.
  Though the company has not announced which diseases it will look to treat first, it will likely rely on its massive database with the genetic information of more than750,000 individuals. Genetic data can help pharmaceutical companies develop new drugs with fewer side effects or to modify the genes themselves to make the condition less severe. They also have not announced whether they will partner with another pharmaceutical company to start developing drugs, or whether they will go it alone.
  This is a change for the controversial company, but its aim to bring medicine more directly to the consumer remains the same. “Part of what we’re trying to do here is drug discovery in a more efficient model,” Wojcicki said. “Pharma companies don’t have a direct relationship with consumers, so they’re always subjects…We can do things in a different way.”

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