
云健康与美国 Predicine 结成战略合作伙伴,共同推进肿瘤液态活检基因检测

首页 » 产业 » 企业 2016-04-19 转化医学网 赞(8)
位于美国加州硅谷的 Predicine 公司与位于中国上海的云健康基因科技(上海)有限公司今日宣布一项合作声明:将共同致力于在中国肿瘤市场开展基于新一代测序技术(NGS)的液态活检基因检测。

  位于美国加州硅谷的 Predicine 公司与位于中国上海的云健康基因科技(上海)有限公司今日宣布一项合作声明:将共同致力于在中国肿瘤市场开展基于新一代测序技术(NGS)的液态活检基因检测。

  通过此项目的合作,Predicine 为肿瘤市场开发的一体化液态活检新一代基因检测解决方案将通过云健康于2016年年中引进中国市场,双方在随后的一年中推出更多针对肿瘤的液态活检系列基因检测产品。云健康将负责在中国区提供临床级别的肿瘤液态活检基因检测服务以及高质量、高通量的测序能力。
  “Predicine 对能与云健康合作致力于将国际领先的液态活检产品服务于肿瘤患者及支持全球药物研发,感到非常高兴” Predicine 创始人兼 CEO Jia Shidong 说道,“我们一直致力于与研究机构以及行业领袖建立战略伙伴关系,并共同推进全球健康服务生态系统的改进与创新”。Predicine 运用他们自身B2B的商业模式,已经研发出一套一站式的肿瘤液态活检精准诊断解决方案,其中包含了样品收集、核酸提取、文库制备、目标区域富集、基因测序、生物信息以及数据分析。
  “肿瘤液态活检基因检测目前已经在美国广泛被采用和实施,我们希望与云健康一起推动,使该技术成为中国医院的一项标准化的医疗实践”,Predicine 总裁,Winston Patrick Kuo 补充道,“我们的 PrediSeq 肿瘤基因液态活检产品非常及时契合当前中国的精准医疗计划,以及中国市场对于液态活检未被满足的医疗需求。我们很高兴我们的液态活检基因检测产品可以更精准地早期检出肿瘤和监控肿瘤治疗的效果,而在过去以往的几年肿瘤的诊断检测往往有很多误诊的发生”
  “在云健康致力于基因检测助力个性化精准健康管理以及肿瘤精准诊断的战略中,新一代基因测序液态活检已成为公司非常重要的技术服务平台。云健康非常高兴与 Predicine 合作,将扩展我们的新一代测序在肿瘤液态活检应用方面的能力,并将最好的精准检测产品带给肿瘤病患以及支持药界的新药研发。”云健康集团总裁金刚博士(Jason Jin)兼联合创始人在合作声明中指出。位于上海的云健康是中国首批采购 Illumina HiSeq X Ten 超高通量测序系统的企业之一,并由此成为国内拥有最强测序能力的高新技术企业之一。
  Predicine 是一家致力于开发原创先进的用于精准诊断和精准用药的基因检测产品公司,为中国和全球精准医疗未被满足的需求提供支持。更多信息请浏览 www.predicine.com。
  云健康基因科技(上海)有限公司位于中国上海,是一家行业内领先的专注为健康和临床研究提供全基因组检测和精准健康医疗解决方案的高科技企业。云健康集团拥有全球最先进的超高通量全基因测序技术平台 HiSeq X Ten、医学检验所、高端诊所、大数据中心、基因研究院、生命中心、医生之家以及院士工作站。云健康拥有一只由国际知名专家领衔的、由近百位生命科学以及生物信息学领域的科学家组成的国际化团队, 并且已经建立了一个整合大健康及精准医疗的服务链,提供从全基因组测序、基因检测、高端体检、健康咨询、健康管理到精准医疗的全链条服务。更多信息请浏览www.CHGenomics.com。
  Predicine, CloudHealth Form Strategic Partnership on Liquid Biopsy Cancer Tests
  Predicine, Inc. and Shanghai-based firm, CloudHealth Genomics, Ltd. today announced an agreement to jointly promote Predicine’s next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based liquid biopsy diagnostic tests in the China oncology market.
  Under this partnership, Predicine will introduce PrediSeq, its "user-friendly, cell-free DNA" NGS diagnostic tests for the oncology space in mid-2016, with a?portfolio?of additional tests for other cancer indications launching in the up coming year. CloudHealth will provide genetic clinical genetic testing infrastructure and high-end and high-throughout sequencing capacity.
  "Predicine is very excited to collaborate with CloudHealth to bring the world-class liquid biopsy products to serve cancer patients and support global drug development”, said Shidong Jia, Predicine's Founder and CEO, “We are committed to developing strategic partnerships with academic and industry leaders who share our vision of improving and innovating the global healthcare ecosystem”. Following their B2B business model, Predicine has developed a one-stop solution package of liquid biopsy precision diagnostics, ranging from sample collection, nucleic acid extraction, library preparation, target enrichment, bioinformatics and data analysis.
  “Liquid biopsy cancer testing is being widely adopted and implemented in America, and we hope to promote it as a standard practice in hospitals throughout China as part of this collaboration with CloudHealth," Predicine’s President, Winston PatrickKuo added, “the launch of our PrediSeq cancer panels is timely with the recent announcement of the Precision Medicine initiative and the unmet medical need of liquid biopsy test in China. We are proud of our test's ability to greatly detect and monitor cancer through diagnosis of conditions that often go misdiagnosed for years.
  “NGS liquid biopsy is central to CloudHealth's strategy to advance personalized healthcare and cancer diagnostics. CloudHealth is very excited to collaborate with Predicine to expand our NGS capacity and bring the best precision diagnostics products to cancer patients and drug development industry," Jason Jin, CEO and Co-founder of CloudHealth, said in a statement. Shanghai-based CloudHealth is among the first batch of firms in China to purchase Illumina HiSeq X Ten high throughput sequencing system and has one of the largest sequencing capacity in China.”
  Specific terms of the arrangement were not disclosed.
  About Predicine
  Predicine is an international precision medicine organization that is committed to developing the first- and best-in-class precision diagnostics and precision medicine portfolio to address the unmet medical needs in China and worldwide. Visit www.predicine.com to learn more.
  About CloudHealth
  CloudHealth Genomics Ltd based in Shanghai, is a high-tech company and pioneer in China on genomics sequencing for preventive medicine and precision medicine. CloudHealth owns the whole genome sequencing platform of HiSeq X10, Clinic Genetic Test Lab, High-End Clinic Center, Big Data Center, Genomics Research Institute, Life Center, Medical Doctor's Alliance, and Academician Work station. CloudHealth has an international team of nearly 100 scientists in life science and bioinformatics fields led by world well known experts. CloudHealth has established an integrated big health and precision medicine service chain including whole genome sequencing, genetic testing, premium examination, health counseling, health management, and precision medicine. Visit  www.CHGenomics.com for learn more.(转化医学网360zhyx.com)
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