
Cell Stem Cell:利用人胚胎干细胞有望恢复视力

首页 » 1970-01-01 转化医学网 赞(2)
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根据一项新的研究,人干细胞能够自发地形成一种组织,其中这种组织能够产生眼睛中让我们看见东西的那一部分。相关研究结果于2012年6月14日发表在<em>Cell Stem Cell</em>期刊上。在未来,移植这种三维组织可能能够帮助视力受损的病人清晰地看见东西。


论文通讯作者、日本理化研究所发育生物学中心研究员Yoshiki Sasai说,“这是新一代再生医学的一个重要的里程碑。我们的方法为人们利用人干细胞获得的复杂组织进行治疗以及开展与发病机理和药物开发相关联的医学研究打开新的大门。”

在发育期间,位于眼睛后方的光敏性组织被称作视网膜,形成一种被称作视杯(optic cup)的结构。在这项新研究中,多亏Sasai和他的研究团队对细胞培养方法进行优化,这种结构能够自发地由人胚胎干细胞(human embryonic stem cells, hESCs)产生,其中hESCs来自人胚胎,能够产生多种组织。


除了临床意义之外,这项研究将可能加快人们对发育生物学的认识。比如,利用hESC产生的视杯要比Sasai 和同事们之前利用小鼠胚胎干细胞(mESC)获得的视杯更大,这提示着这些细胞含有与生俱来的物种特异性的指令来构建这种眼睛结构。Sasai说,“这项研究为理解人特异性的眼睛发育特征打开大门,因为研究人员在此之前是不能够研究这些发育特征的。”

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<a title="" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.stem.2012.05.009" target="_blank">doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2012.05.009</a>


<br/><strong>Self-Formation of Optic Cups and Storable Stratified Neural Retina from Human ESCs</strong><br/>

Tokushige Nakano, Satoshi Ando, Nozomu Takata, Masako Kawada, Keiko Muguruma, Kiyotoshi Sekiguchi, Koichi Saito, Shigenobu Yonemura, Mototsugu Eiraku, Yoshiki Sasai

In this report, we demonstrate that an optic cup structure can form by self-organization in human ESC culture. The human ESC-derived optic cup is much larger than the mouse ESC-derived one, presumably reflecting the species differences. The neural retina in human ESC culture is thick and spontaneously curves in an apically convex manner, which is not seen in mouse ESC culture. In addition, human ESC-derived neural retina grows into multilayered tissue containing both rods and cones, whereas cone differentiation is rare in mouse ESC culture. The accumulation of photoreceptors in human ESC culture can be greatly accelerated by Notch inhibition. In addition, we show that an optimized vitrification method enables en bloc cryopreservation of stratified neural retina of human origin. This storage method at an intermediate step during the time-consuming differentiation process provides a versatile solution for quality control in large-scale preparation of clinical-grade retinal tissues.


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