
Cell Stem Cell:利用单个转录因子将皮肤细胞直接变成脑细胞

首页 » 1970-01-01 转化医学网 赞(2)
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在这项于6月7日在线发表在<em>Cell Stem Cell</em>期刊上的研究中,来自格拉德斯通研究所研究员Yadong Huang博士实验室的研究人员描述了他们如何导入单个基因Sox2到小鼠和人皮肤细胞中。几天之内,这些皮肤细胞转变为早期阶段的脑干细胞(brain stem cell),也被称作诱导性神经干细胞(induced neural stem cells, iNSCs)。这种iNSCs开始自我更新,很快就成熟为能够传递电信号的神经元。在一个月内,这些神经元就已形成神经网络。


2007年,山中伸弥博士利用4种转录因子将成体皮肤细胞转变为类似胚胎干细胞那样发挥作用的细胞,即诱导性多能干细胞(iPSC)。这些iPSCs像胚胎干细胞那样,能够产生体内几乎所有类型的细胞。2011年,格拉德斯通研究所高级研究员Sheng Ding博士报道他利用小分子和转录因子的组合来将皮肤细胞直接转变为神经干细胞。如今,Huang博士采取一种新的策略:利用一种转录因子Sox2直接将一种细胞类型转变为另一种细胞类型,并且不用经历产生iPSC的阶段,从而能够避免iPSCs在用于替换或修复受损器官或组织时可能产生肿瘤的潜在危险。

论文第一作者Karen Ring说,“我们想观察一下这些新产生的神经元在移植到小鼠大脑后是否能够触发肿瘤生长。结果,我们观察到这些经过重编程而产生的细胞整合到小鼠的大脑中,并且并没有产生任何肿瘤。”


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<a title="" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.stem.2012.05.018" target="_blank">doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2012.05.018</a>


<br/><strong>Direct Reprogramming of Mouse and Human Fibroblasts into Multipotent Neural Stem Cells with a Single Factor</strong><br/>

Karen L. Ring, Leslie M. Tong, Maureen E. Balestra, Robyn Javier, Yaisa Andrews-Zwilling, Gang Li, David Walker, William R. Zhang, Anatol C. Kreitzer, Yadong Huang

The generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and induced neuronal cells (iNCs) from somatic cells provides new avenues for basic research and potential transplantation therapies for neurological diseases. However, clinical applications must consider the risk of tumor formation by iPSCs and the inability of iNCs to self-renew in culture. Here we report the generation of induced neural stem cells (iNSCs) from mouse and human fibroblasts by direct reprogramming with a single factor, Sox2. iNSCs express NSC markers and resemble wild-type NSCs in their morphology, self-renewal, ability to form neurospheres, and gene expression profiles. Cloned iNSCs differentiate into several types of mature neurons, as well as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, indicating multipotency. Implanted iNSCs can survive and integrate in mouse brains and, unlike iPSC-derived NSCs, do not generate tumors. Thus, self-renewable and multipotent iNSCs without tumorigenic potential can be generated directly from fibroblasts by reprogramming.
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