Genes & Devel:揭示引发癌症的遗传突变
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<p align="center"><span style="font-family: 楷体_GB2312; font-size: small;">研究者通过对果蝇进行研究揭示了一种新的快速高效的方法,这种新方法可以揭露具有高度潜能引发癌症的遗传改变。</span></p>
近日,来自新加坡A-STAR机构的研究者通过对果蝇进行研究揭示了一种新的快速高效的方法,这种新方法可以揭露具有高度潜能引发癌症的遗传改变。相关研究成果刊登在了国际著名杂志<em>Genes & Development</em>上,这项研究或许帮助提高癌症治疗的个体化用药。
这项研究中,研究小组寻找了和EGFR驱动突变的一些基因,EGFR引发的突变是常见的和人类肺癌、乳腺癌相关的遗传改变。文章中所报道的SOCS5是一种新的肿瘤协作基因,研究者Xin Hong表示,我们对我们的研究发现表示惊讶,因为这是首次揭示SOCS家族和癌症相关,以前只是报道和免疫混乱相关。研究者Cohen补充道,尽管我们的研究处于早期阶段,但是这揭示了SOCS5的表达水平在乳腺癌中降低了,而且低水平SOCS5的患者很少有预后不良的情况。
目前研究者正准备开发SOCS5作为一种癌症检测标志物。这项研究为揭示癌症遗传的复杂性提供了新的思路,而且为加速开发癌症患者的个体化用药成功的铺路了.编译自:<a title="" href="" target="_blank">Scientists Pinpoint Genetic Changes That Spell Cancer</a>
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<a title="" href="" target="_blank">doi:10.1101/gad.192021.112</a>
<br/><strong>Oncogenic cooperation between SOCS family proteins and EGFR identified using a Drosophila epithelial transformation model </strong><br/>
Héctor Herranz1,5, Xin Hong1,2,5, Nguyen Thanh Hung3, P. Mathijs Voorhoeve3,4 and Stephen M. Cohen1,2,6
MicroRNAs (<a href="" target="_blank">miRNA</a>s) are emerging as cooperating factors that promote the activity of oncogenes in tumor formation and disease progression. This poses the challenge of identifying the miRNA targets responsible for these interactions. In this study, we identify the growth regulatory miRNA bantam and its target, Socs36E, as cooperating factors in EGFR-driven tumorigenesis and metastasis in a Drosophila model of epithelial transformation. bantam promotes growth by limiting expression of Socs36E, which functions as a negative growth regulator. Socs36E has only a modest effect on growth on its own, but behaves as a tumor suppressor in combination with EGFR activation. The human ortholog of SOCS36E, SOCS5, behaves as a candidate tumor suppressor in cellular transformation in cooperation with EGFR/RAS pathway activation.
<p align="center"><span style="font-family: 楷体_GB2312; font-size: small;">研究者通过对果蝇进行研究揭示了一种新的快速高效的方法,这种新方法可以揭露具有高度潜能引发癌症的遗传改变。</span></p>
近日,来自新加坡A-STAR机构的研究者通过对果蝇进行研究揭示了一种新的快速高效的方法,这种新方法可以揭露具有高度潜能引发癌症的遗传改变。相关研究成果刊登在了国际著名杂志<em>Genes & Development</em>上,这项研究或许帮助提高癌症治疗的个体化用药。
这项研究中,研究小组寻找了和EGFR驱动突变的一些基因,EGFR引发的突变是常见的和人类肺癌、乳腺癌相关的遗传改变。文章中所报道的SOCS5是一种新的肿瘤协作基因,研究者Xin Hong表示,我们对我们的研究发现表示惊讶,因为这是首次揭示SOCS家族和癌症相关,以前只是报道和免疫混乱相关。研究者Cohen补充道,尽管我们的研究处于早期阶段,但是这揭示了SOCS5的表达水平在乳腺癌中降低了,而且低水平SOCS5的患者很少有预后不良的情况。
目前研究者正准备开发SOCS5作为一种癌症检测标志物。这项研究为揭示癌症遗传的复杂性提供了新的思路,而且为加速开发癌症患者的个体化用药成功的铺路了.编译自:<a title="" href="" target="_blank">Scientists Pinpoint Genetic Changes That Spell Cancer</a>
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<img src="" alt="" width="113" height="149" border="0" />
<a title="" href="" target="_blank">doi:10.1101/gad.192021.112</a>
<br/><strong>Oncogenic cooperation between SOCS family proteins and EGFR identified using a Drosophila epithelial transformation model </strong><br/>
Héctor Herranz1,5, Xin Hong1,2,5, Nguyen Thanh Hung3, P. Mathijs Voorhoeve3,4 and Stephen M. Cohen1,2,6
MicroRNAs (<a href="" target="_blank">miRNA</a>s) are emerging as cooperating factors that promote the activity of oncogenes in tumor formation and disease progression. This poses the challenge of identifying the miRNA targets responsible for these interactions. In this study, we identify the growth regulatory miRNA bantam and its target, Socs36E, as cooperating factors in EGFR-driven tumorigenesis and metastasis in a Drosophila model of epithelial transformation. bantam promotes growth by limiting expression of Socs36E, which functions as a negative growth regulator. Socs36E has only a modest effect on growth on its own, but behaves as a tumor suppressor in combination with EGFR activation. The human ortholog of SOCS36E, SOCS5, behaves as a candidate tumor suppressor in cellular transformation in cooperation with EGFR/RAS pathway activation.