
Lancet Oncol:脑瘤治疗的新遗传标记物

首页 » 1970-01-01 转化医学网 赞(2)
近日,英国诺丁汉大学研究人员发现脑癌3套遗传标记物,可能为致命的脑瘤诊断带来新的希望。 这项最新研究由Richard Grundy教授率领,发表在权威杂志<em>Lancet Oncology</em>最新一期上。 尽管需要新的、更有效的治疗手段,早些年也已经开展了一系列研究,但取得的成绩并不如人意。这项诺丁汉大学完成的研究旨在筛选出可用来提高癌症治疗功效和开展...

这项最新研究由Richard Grundy教授率领,发表在权威杂志<em>Lancet Oncology</em>最新一期上。


诺丁汉大学与加拿大多伦多病童医院合作共收集到142例中枢神经系统PNET的样品。Richard Grundy教授说:我们先前的研究使得我们意识到需要国际努力才能带来足够数量样本,才能使我们更好地了解这种疾病。





这项研究由加拿大健康研究学院、Brainchild/Sick Kids基金会和Samantha Dickson脑肿瘤信托基金资助。 
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<a title="" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1470-2045(12)70257-7" target="_blank">doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(12)70257-7</a>


<br/><strong>Markers of survival and metastatic potential in childhood CNS primitive neuro-ectodermal brain tumours: an integrative genomic analysis

Daniel Picard BSc a *, Suzanne Miller PhD d *, Cynthia E Hawkins MD b, Prof Eric Bouffet MD a, Hazel A Rogers PhD d, Tiffany SY Chan BSc a, Seung-Ki Kim MD e, Prof Young-Shin Ra MD f, Jason Fangusaro MD g, Andrey Korshunov MD h, Helen Toledano MD i, Hideo Nakamura MD j, James T Hayden MD k, Jennifer Chan MD l, Lucie Lafay-Cousin MD m, Pingzhao Hu PhD c, Xing Fan MD n, Prof Karin M Muraszko MD n, Prof Scott L Pomeroy MD o, Ching C Lau MD p, Prof Ho-Keung Ng MD q, Chris Jones PhD r, Timothy Van Meter PhD s, Prof Steven C Clifford PhD k, Prof Charles Eberhart MD t, Amar Gajjar MD u, Stefan M Pfister MD v, Prof Richard G Grundy MD d , Dr Annie Huang MD
<div>Childhood CNS primitive neuro-ectodermal brain tumours (PNETs) are very aggressive brain tumours for which the molecular features and best treatment approaches are unknown. We assessed a large cohort of these rare tumours to identify molecular markers to enhance clinical management of this disease.</div>
<div>We obtained 142 primary hemispheric CNS PNET samples from 20 institutions in nine countries and examined transcriptional profiles for a subset of 51 samples and copy number profiles for a subset of 77 samples. We used clustering, gene, and pathway enrichment analyses to identify tumour subgroups and group-specific molecular markers, and applied immunohistochemical and gene-expression analyses to validate and assess the clinical significance of the subgroup markers.</div>
<div>We identified three molecular subgroups of CNS PNETs that were distinguished by primitive neural (group 1), oligoneural (group 2), and mesenchymal lineage (group 3) gene-expression signatures with differential expression of cell-lineage markers LIN28 and OLIG2. Patients with group 1 tumours were most often female (male:female ratio 0·61 for group 1 <em>vs</em> 1·25 for group 2 and 1·63 for group 3; p=0·043 [group 1 <em>vs</em> groups 2 and 3]), youngest (median age at diagnosis 2·9 years [95% CI 2·4—5·2] for group 1 <em>vs</em> 7·9 years [6·0—9·7] for group 2 and 5·9 years [4·9—7·8] for group 3; p=0·005), and had poorest survival (median survival 0·8 years [95% CI 0·5—1·2] in group 1, 1·8 years [1·4—2·3] in group 2 and 4·3 years [0·8—7·8] in group 3; p=0·019). Patients with group 3 tumours had the highest incidence of metastases at diagnosis (no distant metastasis:metastasis ratio 0·90 for group 3 <em>vs</em> 2·80 for group 1 and 5·67 for group 2; p=0·037).</div>
<div>LIN28 and OLIG2 are promising diagnostic and prognostic molecular markers for CNS PNET that warrant further assessment in prospective clinical trials.</div>
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