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<em>上海交通大学覃文新研究组在《柳叶刀·肿瘤学》发表肿瘤转化医学最新成果</em> 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院上海市肿瘤研究所“癌基因及相关基因国家重点实验室”覃文新研究组,6月26日在国际著名的医学杂志《柳叶刀·肿瘤学》(Lancet Oncology)发表题为“血清DKK1蛋白作为肝癌诊断标志物的大规模临床多中心研究”的研究论文,证明DKK1蛋白可作为肿瘤...

上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院上海市肿瘤研究所“癌基因及相关基因国家重点实验室”覃文新研究组,6月26日在国际著名的医学杂志《柳叶刀·肿瘤学》(Lancet Oncology)发表题为“血清DKK1蛋白作为肝癌诊断标志物的大规模临床多中心研究”的研究论文,证明DKK1蛋白可作为肿瘤标志物用于肝细胞癌的血清诊断。这是我国科学家首次在国际一流的临床肿瘤学和肿瘤转化医学杂志上发表具有原始创新和自主知识产权的肿瘤血清蛋白标志物Ⅱ期试验研究论文。


主持这一研究的是“癌基因及相关基因国家重点实验室”覃文新研究员。在国家重点实验室主任王红阳院士、杨胜利院士和顾健人院士的支持下,覃文新研究员及研究团队于2003年首次发现并证明分泌蛋白DKK1(Dickkopf-1)在人类多种肿瘤包括肝癌中特异高表达,并在人类多种肿瘤细胞的培养上清和肝癌患者血清中检测到其分泌性高表达,可作为肿瘤血清蛋白标志物用于肺癌、肝癌、乳腺癌、宫颈癌等恶性肿瘤的血清诊断,上述创新发现已于2005年和2006年申请了中国发明专利和国际专利并在国内外公开,随后其研究结果得到了国内外实验室的广泛验证。在此基础上,2008年覃文新研究员率领研究团队设计并开展了肿瘤血清蛋白标志物DKK1用于肝细胞癌血清诊断的大规模临床多中心试验研究。该临床试验由我国重要的肝癌临床中心和研究基地复旦大学附属中山医院、第二军医大学东方肝胆外科医院、苏州大学附属第一医院和上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院上海市肿瘤研究所四家单位共同完成,研究结果以“快速通道”形式在《柳叶刀·肿瘤学》发表。主要创新发现如下:作为肿瘤血清蛋白标志物,DKK1蛋白对肝细胞癌总体诊断的敏感性可达69.1%、特异性为90.6%;特别是对早期肝细胞癌(BCLC 0+A)和小肝癌(单个小于2厘米)的诊断敏感性分别可达70.9%和58.5%、特异性分别为90.5%和84.7%;同时,DKK1蛋白能够弥补甲胎蛋白(AFP)对肝细胞癌诊断能力的不足,对甲胎蛋白阴性(低于20纳克/毫升)肝细胞癌的诊断敏感性为70.4%、特异性为90%,并可从甲胎蛋白阳性(高于20纳克/毫升)的慢性乙型肝炎及肝硬化等高危患者中鉴别诊断肝细胞癌,鉴别诊断敏感性达69.1%、特异性为84.7%;DKK1蛋白与甲胎蛋白联合应用,可将肝细胞癌总体诊断率提高至88%;此外,手术后患者血中的DKK1浓度迅速下降,血清DKK1蛋白亦可作为肝癌疗效监测和预后判断指标。



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<a title="" href="http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(12)70233-4/abstract" target="_blank">doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(12)70233-4</a>


<br/><strong>Serum DKK1 as a protein biomarker for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma: a large-scale, multicentre study</strong><br/>

Qiujin Shen MSc a ?, Prof Jia Fan MD b c ?, Xin-Rong Yang PhD b ?, Prof Yexiong Tan PhD d ?, Prof Weifeng Zhao MD e ?, Yang Xu MD b, Ning Wang PhD a, Yongdong Niu PhD a, Zheng Wu BSc a, Prof Jian Zhou MD b, Prof Shuang-Jian Qiu MD b, Ying-Hong Shi MD b, Bin Yu PhD a, Ning Tang MSc a, Wei Chu BSc a, Min Wang BSc d, Jinhua Wu MSc e, Prof Zhigang Zhang PhD a, Prof Shengli Yang PhD a, Jianren Gu MD a, Prof Hongyang Wang MD a d, Prof Wenxin Qin PhD a



Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is prevalent worldwide and improvements in timely and effective diagnosis are needed. We assessed whether measurement of Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) in serum could improve diagnostic accuracy for HCC.


We analysed data for patients with HCC, chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, liver cirrhosis, and healthy controls, recruited from two Chinese centres between December, 2008, and July, 2009. A validation cohort matched for age and sex was recruited from another centre in China between July, 2010, and June, 2011. DKK1 was measured in serum by ELISA by independent researchers who had no access to patients' clinical information. We used receiver operating characteristics (ROC) to calculate diagnostic accuracy.


We assessed serum DKK1 in 831 participants: 424 with HCC, 98 with chronic HBV infection, 96 with cirrhosis, and 213 healthy controls. The validation cohort comprised 453 participants: 209 with HCC, 73 with chronic HBV infection, 72 with cirrhosis, and 99 healthy controls. Levels of DKK1 in serum were significantly higher in patients with HCC than in all controls. ROC curves showed the optimum diagnostic cutoff was 2·153 ng/mL (area under curve [AUC] 0·848 [95% CI 0·820—0·875], sensitivity 69·1%, and specificity 90·6% in the test cohort; 0·862 [0·825—0·899], 71·3%, and 87·2% in the validation cohort). Similar results were noted for early-stage HCC (0·865 [0·835—0·895], 70·9%, and 90·5% in the test cohort; 0·896 [0·846—0·947], 73·8%, and 87·2% in the validation cohort). Furthermore, DKK1 maintained diagnostic accuracy for patients with HCC who were α-fetoprotein (AFP) negative (0·841 [0·801—0·882], 70·4%, and 90·0% in the test cohort; 0·869 [0·815—0·923], 66·7%, and 87·2% in the validation cohort), including for patients with early-stage HCC (0·870 [0·829—0·911], 73·1%, and 90·0% in the test cohort; 0·893 [0·804—0·983], 72·2%, and 87·2% in the validation cohort), compared with all controls. Raised concentrations of DKK1 in serum could differentiate HCC from chronic HBV infection and cirrhosis (0·834 [0·798—0·871], 69·1%, and 84·7% in the test cohort; 0·873 [0·832—0·913], 71·3%, and 90·6% in the validation cohort). Moreover, measurement of DKK1 and AFP together improved diagnostic accuracy for HCC versus all controls compared with either test alone (0·889 [0·866—0·913], 73·3%, and 93·4% in the test cohort; 0·888 [0·856—0·920], 78·5%, and 87·2% in the validation cohort).


DKK1 could complement measurement of AFP in the diagnosis of HCC and improve identification of patients with AFP-negative HCC and distinguish HCC from non-malignant chronic liver diseases.


National Key Basic Research Programme of China, National Key Sci-Tech Special Projects of Infectious Diseases, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Fund for the Doctoral Programme of Higher Education of China.


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