
Nat Chem:新研究有望保持抗生素活性同时阻止副作用产生

首页 » 研究 1970-01-01 转化医学网 赞(2)
一个新项目正在研究改变抗生素的产生是否能够除去它的副作用,而正是这些副作用阻止它在临床上被用来抵抗耐药性超级细菌。 衣霉素(tunicamycin)是由土壤细菌链霉菌产生的抗生素。 它以一种临床上新的方式来阻断细菌细胞壁合成而发挥作用,从而使得它成为一种潜在地非常有吸引力的候选药物来治疗耐药性病原体。然而,它一直还不能作为药物来使用,这是因为它也影响我们自己体内至关重要的酶,从而使得它产生毒...

衣霉素(tunicamycin)是由土壤细菌链霉菌产生的抗生素。 它以一种临床上新的方式来阻断细菌细胞壁合成而发挥作用,从而使得它成为一种潜在地非常有吸引力的候选药物来治疗耐药性病原体。然而,它一直还不能作为药物来使用,这是因为它也影响我们自己体内至关重要的酶,从而使得它产生毒性。


2010年,英国约翰英纳斯中心Mervyn Bibb教授与剑桥大学教授Ben Davis合作而鉴定出链霉菌用来制造衣霉素的基因簇。如今,这个项目旨在找出链霉菌合成衣霉素的过程。它的最终目标就是合理地改变衣霉素合成方式从而使得这种抗生素仍然有效地抵抗细菌,但是没有它的副作用。了解这些基因对于理解衣霉素生物合成是至关重要的,这是因为它允许人们能够合成和研究这些酶和组分。衣霉素拥有一个模块化结构,因而能够以一种系统性方式对这种结构的修饰进行设计和评估,以便能够构建出这种抗生素的类似物。



本文编译自<a href="http://phys.org/news/2012-08-side-effects-antibiotic.html" target="_blank">Study looks to separate side effects from antibiotic activity</a>
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<img src="http://www.bioon.com/biology/UploadFiles/201208/2012081116202074.gif" alt="" width="113" height="149" border="0" />

<a title="" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nchem.1351" target="_blank">doi: 10.1038/nchem.1351</a>


<br/><strong>Biosynthesis of the tunicamycin antibiotics proceeds via unique exo-glycal intermediates</strong><br/>

Filip J. Wyszynski, Seung Seo Lee, Tomoaki Yabe, Hua Wang, Juan Pablo Gomez-Escribano, Mervyn J. Bibb,Soo Jae Lee, Gideon J. Davies &amp; Benjamin G. Davis

The tunicamycins are archetypal nucleoside antibiotics targeting bacterial peptidoglycan biosynthesis and eukaryotic protein N-glycosylation. Understanding the biosynthesis of their unusual carbon framework may lead to variants with improved selectivity. Here, we demonstrate in vitro recapitulation of key sugar-manipulating enzymes from this pathway. TunA is found to exhibit unusual regioselectivity in the reduction of a key α,β-unsaturated ketone. The product of this reaction is shown to be the preferred substrate for TunF—an epimerase that converts the glucose derivative to a galactose. In Streptomyces strains in which another gene (tunB) is deleted, the biosynthesis is shown to stall at this exo-glycal product. These investigations confirm the combined TunA/F activity and delineate the ordering of events in the metabolic pathway. This is the first time these surprising exo-glycal intermediates have been seen in biology. They suggest that construction of the aminodialdose core of tunicamycin exploits their enol ether motif in a mode of C–C bond formation not previously observed in nature, to create an 11-carbon chain.


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