Nat Neurosci.:蜜蜂DNA甲基化模式变化与所属种群地位有关
导读 | 对同一蜂巢中不同分工的蜜蜂来说,它们的DNA甲基化模式虽有所区别但又具有遗传相似性,这是本周发表在《自然—神经科学》上的一项研究所得出的结论。
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蜜蜂的雌性胚胎发育为蜂王还是工蜂由其被喂养的食物所决定。Andrew Feinberg等人研究了两种特殊的工蜂:一种是保育蜂,负责喂养其他蜜蜂;另一种是采蜜蜂,负责外出为蜂巢采集食物。虽然这两种蜜蜂分工不同,但其在整个蜂群中所扮演的角色并不确定,因为保育蜂在生命晚期可以转换为采蜜蜂。
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<br/><strong>Reversible switching between epigenetic states in honeybee behavioral subcastes </strong><br/>
Brian R Herb, Florian Wolschin, Kasper D Hansen, Martin J Aryee, Ben Langmead, Rafael Irizarry, Gro V Amdam & Andrew P Feinberg
In honeybee societies, distinct caste phenotypes are created from the same genotype, suggesting a role for epigenetics in deriving these behaviorally different phenotypes. We found no differences in DNA methylation between irreversible worker and queen castes, but substantial differences between nurses and forager subcastes. Reverting foragers back to nurses reestablished methylation levels for a majority of genes and provides, to the best of our knowledge, the first evidence in any organism of reversible epigenetic changes associated with behavior.
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蜜蜂的雌性胚胎发育为蜂王还是工蜂由其被喂养的食物所决定。Andrew Feinberg等人研究了两种特殊的工蜂:一种是保育蜂,负责喂养其他蜜蜂;另一种是采蜜蜂,负责外出为蜂巢采集食物。虽然这两种蜜蜂分工不同,但其在整个蜂群中所扮演的角色并不确定,因为保育蜂在生命晚期可以转换为采蜜蜂。
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<br/><strong>Reversible switching between epigenetic states in honeybee behavioral subcastes </strong><br/>
Brian R Herb, Florian Wolschin, Kasper D Hansen, Martin J Aryee, Ben Langmead, Rafael Irizarry, Gro V Amdam & Andrew P Feinberg
In honeybee societies, distinct caste phenotypes are created from the same genotype, suggesting a role for epigenetics in deriving these behaviorally different phenotypes. We found no differences in DNA methylation between irreversible worker and queen castes, but substantial differences between nurses and forager subcastes. Reverting foragers back to nurses reestablished methylation levels for a majority of genes and provides, to the best of our knowledge, the first evidence in any organism of reversible epigenetic changes associated with behavior.