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<p align="center"><span style="font-family: 楷体_GB2312; font-size: x-small;">病毒蛋白外壳的形状(蓝色/绿色)从不成熟(上图)到成熟(下图)</span></p>
<p align="center"><span style="font-family: 楷体_GB2312; font-size: x-small;">(Credit: ©EMBL/T.Bharat)</span></p>
近日,来自欧洲分子生物学实验室的研究人员首次揭开了HIV病毒外壳的精细结构,相关研究成果刊登在了近日的国际杂志<em>Nature</em>上。反转录病毒由遗传物质和外壳蛋白组成,遗传信息包装于外壳蛋白中,当HIV进入机体免疫细胞之后,便开始复制成很多拷贝。研究者John Briggs表示,HIV新复制产生病毒乃至其成熟所需要的成分均来自于宿主细胞,而且病毒的外壳改变的速度非常之外,出乎了我们的意料。





编译自:<a title="" href="http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/06/120604092852.htm" target="_blank">Shape-Shifting Shell of Retroviruses Detailed</a>

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<img src="http://www.bioon.com/biology/UploadFiles/201206/2012060519463419.jpg" alt="" width="113" height="149" border="0" />

<a title="" href="http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1038/nature11169" target="_blank">doi:10.1038/nature11169</a>


<br/><strong>Structure of the immature retroviral capsid at 8 Å resolution by cryo-electron microscopy </strong><br/>

Tanmay A. M. Bharat, Norman E. Davey, Pavel Ulbrich, James D. Riches, Alex de Marco, Michaela Rumlova, Carsten Sachse, Tomas Ruml &amp; John A. G. Briggs

The assembly of retroviruses such as HIV-1 is driven by oligomerization of their major structural protein, Gag. Gag is a multidomain polyprotein including three conserved folded domains: MA (matrix), CA (capsid) and NC (nucleocapsid)1. Assembly of an infectious virion proceeds in two stages2. In the first stage, Gag oligomerization into a hexameric protein lattice leads to the formation of an incomplete, roughly spherical protein shell that buds through the plasma membrane of the infected cell to release an enveloped immature virus particle. In the second stage, cleavage of Gag by the viral protease leads to rearrangement of the particle interior, converting the non-infectious immature virus particle into a mature infectious virion. The immature Gag shell acts as the pivotal intermediate in assembly and is a potential target for anti-retroviral drugs both in inhibiting virus assembly and in disrupting virus maturation3. However, detailed structural information on the immature Gag shell has not previously been available. For this reason it is unclear what protein conformations and interfaces mediate the interactions between domains and therefore the assembly of retrovirus particles, and what structural transitions are associated with retrovirus maturation. Here we solve the structure of the immature retroviral Gag shell from Mason–Pfizer monkey virus by combining cryo-electron microscopy and tomography. The 8-Å resolution structure permits the derivation of a pseudo-atomic model of CA in the immature retrovirus, which defines the protein interfaces mediating retrovirus assembly. We show that transition of an immature retrovirus into its mature infectious form involves marked rotations and translations of CA domains, that the roles of the amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal domains of CA in assembling the immature and mature hexameric lattices are exchanged, and that the CA interactions that stabilize the immature and mature viruses are almost completely distinct.


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