
PLoS ONE:FMR1有望取代BRCA1/2作为筛选卵巢癌和乳腺癌风险的基因

首页 » 1970-01-01 转化医学网 赞(2)
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研究人员开展一项基因突变研究,这些突变提高妇女患上乳腺癌和卵巢癌的几率。他们的研究发现可能有助于开发出更便宜和更容易的方法来筛选乳腺癌和卵巢癌。此外,这些令人吃惊的研究发现可能也解释着携带这些乳腺癌突变的人胚胎如何能够存活下来。相关研究于近期刊登在<em>PLoS ONE</em>期刊上。




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<a title="" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0044753" target="_blank">doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044753</a>


<br/><strong>BRCA1/2 Mutations Appear Embryo-Lethal Unless Rescued by Low (CGG n&lt;26) FMR1 Sub-Genotypes: Explanation for the “BRCA Paradox”?</strong><br/>

Andrea Weghofer1,2, Muy-Kheng Tea3, David H. Barad1,4, Ann Kim1, Christian F. Singer3, Klaus Wagner5, Norbert Gleicher

BRCA1/2 mutations and recently described constitutional FMR1 genotypes have, independently, been associated with prematurely diminished ovarian reserve. Whether they interrelate in distribution, and whether observed effects of BRCA1/2 and FMR1 on ovaries are independent of each other, is unknown. In a prospective comparative cohort study, we, therefore, investigated the distribution of constitutional FMR1 genotypes, normal (norm), heterozygous (het) and homozygous (hom), and of their respective sub-genotypes (high/low), in 99 BRCA1/2 mutation-positive women and 410 female controls to determine whether distribution patterns differed between study and control patients. In contrast to controls, BRCA1/2 carriers demonstrated almost complete absence of all constitutional FMR1 genotypes except for sub-genotypes with low (CGG n&lt;26) alleles. Cross tabulation between BRCA1/2-positive patients and controls confirmed significant group membership, related to FMR1 distribution (P&lt;0.0001). These results offer as most likely explanation the conclusion that BRCA1/2 mutations are embryo-lethal, unless rescued by low (CGG n&lt;26) FMR1 sub-genotypes, present in approximately one quarter of all women. Women with low FMR1 sub-genotypes, therefore, should reflect increased BRCA1/2-associated cancer risks, while the remaining approximately 75 percent should face almost no such risks. If confirmed, this observation offers opportunities for more efficient and less costly BRCA1/2 cancer screening. The study also suggests that previously reported risk towards prematurely diminished ovarian reserve in association with BRCA mutations is FMR1-mediated, and offers a possible explanation for the so-called “BRCA paradox” by raising the possibility that the widely perceived BRCA1/2-associated tumor risk is actually FMR1-mediated.

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