Mol Ther. :科学家开发出口服乳腺癌疫苗
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美国辛辛那提大学(UC)癌症研究所和美国国家健康中心(NIH)科学家开发出一种新型口服疫苗,该疫苗能够刺激免疫系统防止乳腺癌发生。科学家首次利用了AAV病毒来研制的口服癌症疫苗。相关报道发表在一月份的Molecular Therapy上。
尽管其他口服乳腺癌疫苗已经在模式动物上进行了实验,但是由于其基于细菌研制对人体安全有潜在隐患,所以这些疫苗的安... |

美国辛辛那提大学(UC)癌症研究所和美国国家健康中心(NIH)科学家开发出一种新型口服疫苗,该疫苗能够刺激免疫系统防止乳腺癌发生。科学家首次利用了AAV病毒来研制的口服癌症疫苗。相关报道发表在一月份的Molecular Therapy上。
Oral Vaccination With Adeno-associated Virus Vectors Expressing the Neu Oncogene Inhibits the Growth of Murine Breast Cancer
Steel JC, Di Pasquale G, Ramlogan CA, Patel V, Chiorini JA, Morris JC.
Recombinant adeno-associated viruses (AAV) have been used for therapeutic gene transfer. These vectors offer a number of advantages including resistance to the effects of pH, a broad cellular tropism, efficient gene transfer, persistence of gene expression, and little toxicity. AAV vectors; however, at high doses can induce humoral and cellular immune responses. While potentially problematic for replacement gene therapy, this effect may be advantageous for antitumor vaccination. We examined the activity of an oral and intramuscular antitumor vaccination using AAV serotypes 5 and 6 expressing a truncated neu oncogene in a neu-positive murine TUBO breast cancer model. Mice receiving a single oral administration of AAV5-neu or AAV6-neu demonstrated improved survival. Oral vaccination significantly improved survivals compared with intramuscular vaccination. Mice vaccinated with AAV6-neu survived longer than those treated with AAV5-neu. Vaccination with AAV5-neu or AAV6-neu induced both humoral and cellular immune responses against the NEU antigen. These responses were more robust in the mice undergoing oral vaccination compared with mice receiving the intramuscular vaccination. Protection from tumor was long lasting with 80% of the animals treated with oral AAV6-neu surviving a re-challenge with TUBO cells at 120 and 320 days post-vaccination. Further evaluation of AAV-based vectors as tumor vaccines is warranted。