
台湾学者李笃中:同期刊发15篇文章 2篇因结果相同 被撤1篇

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《国际氢能期刊》(International Journal of Hydrogen Energy)近日发表声明,撤销一篇来自台湾研究人员的学术论文。 撤销声明称,作者承认该论文与其发表的其它一篇论文研究课题相同,这两篇论文虽然呈现形式不同,但实验结果相同,因此作者要求撤销该论文。 该论文通讯作者为“国立”台湾大学化学工程系教授李笃中,...

《国际氢能期刊》(International Journal of Hydrogen Energy)近日发表声明,撤销一篇来自台湾研究人员的学术论文。






Retraction notice to “Electricity harvest from wastewaters using microbial fuel cell with sulfide as sole electron donor” [Int J Hydrogen Energy (2012) 15787–15791]

Corresponding author. Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, No 1, Sec 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan. Fax: +886 2 23625632.
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附:李笃中 教授简介

Duu-Jong Lee Professor

李篤中 教授
email: djlee

Lab Info
Heat Transfer Laboratory
203; 203A; 植研104
(02)3366-3028; (02)3366-3028; (02)3366-3071
Education Background

B.S.Ch.E. National Taiwan University 1984
Dr.S.Ch.E.National Taiwan University 1990

Research TopicBiomass resource & utilization

Bio-hydrogen & dark fermentation
Bioreactor landfill
Thermal pyrolysis

Biological macro- and micro-reactors
Fractal structure and transport
Membrane bioreactor
Microbial community tracking by molecular microbiology techniques
Coagulation control

Enhanced phase-change heat transfer
Microscale boiling process
Microscale freezing process

Recent Research Topic1.Advanced Technologies for Biological Processes and Separation Technologies (II) 生物程序與膜分離之前瞻技術-總計畫(2/3) Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by NSC, #NSC 97-2221-E-002-147-MY3 NT$ 884,000, 08/01/2009-07/31/2010

2.Development and Mechanisms of Electrically Stimulated Membrane Bioreactor (II) 生物電化學強化微生物薄膜反應器之開發及機制探討(2/3) Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by NSC, #NSC 97-2221-E-002-148-MY3 NT$ 2,075097, 08/01/2009-07/31/2010

3.High Rate De-nitrification and De-sulfurization in Expanded Granular Sludge Bed Reactor (I) 以膨脹顆粒污泥床進行高速反硝化脫硫反應(1/3) Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by NSC, #NSC 98-2221-E-002-026-MY3 NT$ 1,035,000, 08/01/2009-07/31/2010

4.Wetting Dynamics of non-Newtonian Fluids (I) 非牛頓流體之濕潤動力學研究(1/3) Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by NSC, #NSC 98-2221-E-002-103-MY3 NT$ 1,035,000, 08/01/2009-07/31/2010
5.Anaerobic Granular Technology and Carbon Credit 厭氧顆粒技術與碳權 Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by NSC, #NSC 98-2623-E-002-008-ET NT$ 634,000, 01/01/2009-12/31/2009

6.International Exchange Program on Technologies and Human Resources on Drinking Water (II)  公共給水國際技術交流與人才育成計畫(2/2) Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by WRA, # MOEAWRA0980035 NT$ 2,900,000, 06/15/2009-12/15/2009

7.Establishment of Membrane Technologies for Drinking Water (I)  公共給水國際技術交流與人才育成計畫(1/4) Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by WRA, # MOEAWRA0980288 NT$ 7,900,000, 06/15/2009-12/15/2009

8.International Collaboration and Training Program on Environmental and Energy Technologies 國際環保與能源技術共同研究及培訓計畫 Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by NSC, # NSC 97-2911-I-002-036 NT$ 2,250,000, 04/01/2009-12/31/2009

9.Development of High-Rate De-S/De-N Reactor  高效脫硫脫氮反應器之開發 Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, PRC RMB 300,000, 10/01/2009-12/31/2010

10.Transport Phenomena in Hydrogen-Producing Granules  產氫生物顆粒之傳遞現象及相關機理 Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by NSFC, PRC, #50876024 RMB 380,000, 01/01/2009-12/31/2011

1.INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES: Member of Organizing Committee, Chairman and co-Chairman of Symposium of Transport and Its Applications (1992-now); Chairman of Sino-Singapore Jointed Symposium on Environmental Protection Techniques (1998-now); Member of International Organizing Committee of World Filtration Congress (2001-now); Chairman of Sino-Japan Jointed Symposium on Membrane Separation Technologies (2003-now); Member of International Program Committee of the International Water Association Conference on Sludge Management (Singapore, 2004); Member of International Program Committee of International Workshop of Industrial Drying 2004 (Mumbai, 2004); Member of International Program Committee of the World Filtration Congress IX (New Orleans, 2004); Member of International Organizing Committee of Asian Powder Technology (APT) (2004-now); Member of International Program Committee of The First International Heat Transfer Forum (Kyoto, 2004); Member of International Program Committee of the International Water Association Conference on Sludge Management (South Africa, 2005); Member of International Program Committee and member of Organizing Committee of the International Water Association Conference on Chemical Industries (Tsukuba, 2005); Member of International Program Committee of World Congress and Exhibition on Hydrogen Energy (Singapore, 2005); Member of International Program Committee of Young Researchers’ Forum, International Water Association (Singapore, 2006); Member of International Program Committee of Asian Drying Conference 2005 (Kalkota, India, 2005); Committee Member of World Congress on Powder Technology 2006 (Orlando, USA, 2006); Committee Member of World Filtration Congress X (Germany, 2007); Committee Member of International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Conference on Sludge Management (Turkey, 2007); Committee Member of International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Conference on Sludge Management (Canada, 2007); Member of International Program Committee, Bioenergy Outlook, Singapore (2007); Committee Member of Asia-Pacific Drying Conference 07 (Hong Kong, 2007); Member of Organizing Committee, 4th Asian Membrane Science Conference, Chung Yuan University, (2007); Committee Member of International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Conference on Chemical Industries (Beijing, 2008); Committee Member of International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Conference on Sludge Management (Harbin, 2009); Committee Member of International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Conference on Membrane Science & Technology (Beijing, 2009)

2.JOURNAL EDITORIAL: Editor-in-Chief of Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers (Elsevier, SCI, 2006/07-2009/06); Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology, and Environmental Science (1999-now); International Advisory Board member of Journal of Thermal Science (中國科學院, EI, 2000-now); Chief Editor of 國立臺灣大學工程學刊 (2000/08-2003/07); Guest Editor of Water Science and Technology (IWA, SCI,EI, 2001, 2002); Chair of Working Task Group of Decision Making Map of Sludge Management, International Water Association (2002-2008); Regional Editor of Heat Transfer Asian Research (Wiley, EI) (2002-now); International Advisory Board member of Chemical Engineering Science (Elsevier, SCI,EI, 2002-now); Guest Editor and Editorial Board member of Separation Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis, SCI,EI, 2002-now); Editorial Board member of Journal of Residues Science & Technology (DecTech Pub, SCI, 2004-now); Guest Editor and Editorial Board member of Drying Technology (Taylor & Francis, SCI,EI, 2005-now); Editor of Advanced Powder Technology (Elsevier, SCI, 2005-now); Editorial Board member of 中國給水排水 (中國建設部 EI, 2006-now); Editorial Board member of Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineers (Elsevier, SCI,EI, 2008-now); Guest Editor of Desalination (Elsevier, SCI,EI, 2008); Guest Editor and Editorial Board of Bioresource Technology (Elsevier, SCI,EI, 2009-now).

3.VISITING APPOINTMENT: Visiting Professor (Nanyang Technological University, 2000-2007); 客座教授(同濟大學, 2005-now); 客座教授(天津大學, 2006-now); 兼職博士生導師 (哈爾濱工業大學, 2006-now);客座教授 (Hokkaido University, 2007-now); Visiting Processor (Hokkaido University, 2008); Visiting Professor (National University of Singapore, 2009); 客座教授 (重慶大學, 2008-now); 兼任講座教授 (中原大學, 2008-2011); 特約講座教授 (逢甲大學, 2008-now)

4.PROFESSIONAL SERVICE: 輸送現象暨應用研討會籌備委員會主席 (2000-2008); Managing board member of Sludge Management, International Water Association (2000-2007); 行政院國家科學委員會(NSC)複審委員(1997-now); 行政院大陸委員會複審委員(2004-now); 行政院經濟部評審委員(2004-now); 中國環境工程師學會國際合作副主任委員(2003-2005); 觀察員(國際經濟合作組織OECD, 國際能源局IEA, Hydrogen Implementing Agreement) (2005-now); 台灣化學工程學會會誌及論文委員會主任委員(2006/7-2009/6); 中華人民共和國國家自然科學基金委員會(NSFC)專家組(2006-2008); 中國工程師學會學術委員會委員(2006-now); 中華人民共和國教育部長江辦專家組(2009)

5.AWARD: 斐陶斐榮譽會員(1984); 學術勵進獎(中國化學工程師學會, 1994); 甲等獎(行政院國家科學委員會, 1990-1995); 傑出獎 (行政院國家科學委員會, 1996-2002); 特約研究員(行政院國家科學委員會, 2002-2008); 賴再得獎(中國化學工程師學會, 1999); 最佳論文獎(日本化學工程師學會, 2002); 青年獎章(中國青年救國團, 2002); 十大傑出青年(國際青商會, 2002); 最佳論文獎(中國化學工程師學會, 1997, 2003); 最佳論文獎(中國工程師學會, 2003); 傑出工程教授(中國工程師學會, 2004); 白玉蘭人才基金 (上海市科委, 2004); 石延平教授論文獎(台灣化學工程學會, 2006); 長江學者講座教授(中華人民共和國教育部, 2007-2009); 國立臺灣大學終身特聘教授(2006-now); 傑出特約研究獎(行政院國家科學委員會, 2008) ; Top Reviewer (Bioresource Technology, Elsevier, 2009)

International Cooperation Project

1.城市污泥资源化利用及其环境风险控制; 北京市自然科学基金委员会;合作者:中科院地理科学与资源研究所环境修复中心陈同斌主任, RMB 500,000 (Co-PI) (2005-2008)

2.開發應用于可持續水代謝社會之前瞻薄膜生物反應器; 台日雙邊合作計畫; 國科會-日本交流協會雙邊國合計畫; 合作者: 東京大學大學院工學研究科山本和夫教授, 金額 NT 1,500,000 (PI) (2006)

3.非平衡非线性输送现象之基础研究; 中华人民共和国国家自然科学基金委员会重点项目; 合作者:清华大学热能系彭晓峰教授, RMB 2,200,000 (Co-PI) (2006-2008)

The Representative Publication Recent 5-years Publication

1.        C. Wan, X. Yang, Duu-Jong Lee, M. Du, F. Wan, C. Chen, Aerobic denitrification by novel isolated strain using NO2 --N as nitrogen source, Bioresource Technology, 102 (15), 7244-7248 (2011) (SCI,EI)

2.        K.-L. Ho, Duu-Jong Lee, Harvesting biohydrogen from cellobiose from sulfide or nitrite-containing wastewaters using Clostridium sp. R1, Bioresource Technology, 102 (18), 8547-8549. Cited 1 time (2011) (SCI,EI)

3.        K.-Y. Show, Duu-Jong Lee, J.-S. Chang, Bioreactor and process design for biohydrogen production, Bioresource Technology, 102 (18), 8524-8533 (2011) (SCI,EI)

4.        C.-L. Guo, X. Zhu, Q. Liao, Y.-Z. Wang, R. Chen, Duu-Jong Lee, Enhancement of photo-hydrogen production in a biofilm photobioreactor using optical fiber with additional rough surface, Bioresource Technology, 102 (18), 8507-8513 (2011) (SCI,EI)

5.        X. Zhu, X. Xie, Q. Liao, Y. Wang, Duu-Jong Lee, Enhanced hydrogen production by Rhodopseudomonas palustris CQK 01 with ultra-sonication pretreatment in batch culture, Bioresource Technology, 102 (18), 8696-8699 (2011) (SCI,EI)

6.        J.-S. Chang, A.J. Guwy, Duu-Jong Lee, Special Issue: Biofuels - III: Biohydrogen Preface, Bioresource Technology, 102 (18), 8343 (2011) (SCI,EI)

7.        M. Huang, Z. Yang, Y.-Y. Duan, Duu-Jong Lee, Bubble growth for boiling bubbly flow for R141b in a serpentine tube, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 42 (5), 727-734 (2011) (SCI,EI)

8.        Duu-Jong Lee, K.-Y. Show, A. Su, Dark fermentation on biohydrogen production: Pure culture, Bioresource Technology, 102 (18), 8393-8402 (2011) (SCI,EI)

9.        G. Lu, Y.-Y. Duan, X.-D. Wang, Duu-Jong Lee, Internal flow in evaporating droplet on heated solid surface, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54, (19-20), 4437-4447 (2011) (SCI,EI)

10.        D.-H. Lee, Duu-Jong Lee, A. Veziroglu, Econometric models for biohydrogen development, Bioresource Technology, 102 (18), 8475-8483 (2011) (SCI,EI)

11.        C.-L. Cheng, Y.-C. Lo, K.-S. Lee, Duu-Jong Lee, C.-Y. Lin, J.-S. Chang, Biohydrogen production from lignocellulosic feedstock, Bioresource Technology, 102 (18), 8514-8523 (2011) (SCI,EI)

12.        X. Yang, M. Du, Duu-Jong Lee, C. Wan, L. Zheng, F. Wan, Improved volatile fatty acids production from proteins of sewage sludge with anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS) under anaerobic condition, Bioresource Technology, . Article in Press. (2011) (SCI,EI)

13.        D. Wu, H. You, R. Zhang, C. Chen, Duu-Jong Lee, Ballast waters treatment using UV/Ag-TiO2+O3 advanced oxidation process with Escherichia coli and Vibrio alginolyticus as indicator microorganisms, Chemical Engineering Journal, 174 (2-3), 714-718 (2011) (SCI,EI)

14.        D. Wu, H. You, R. Zhang, C. Chen, Duu-Jong Lee, Inactivation of Amphidinium sp. in ballast waters using UV/Ag-TiO2+O3 advanced oxidation treatment, Bioresource Technology, 102 (21), 9838-9842 (2011) (SCI,EI)

15.        G. Zhang, Q. Zhao, Y. Jiao, K. Wang, Duu-Jong Lee, N. Ren, Efficient electricity generation from sewage sludge usingbiocathode microbial fuel cell, Water Research, . Article in Press. (2011) (SCI,EI)

16.        K. Hu, J.-Q. Jiang, Q.-L. Zhao, Duu-Jong Lee, K. Wang, W. Qiu, Conditioning of wastewater sludge using freezing and thawing: Role of curing, Water Research, 45 (18), 5969-5976 (2011) (SCI,EI)

17.        YX Yang, Q Liao, X Zhu, H Wang, R Wu, Duu-Jong Lee, Lattice Boltzmann simulation of substrate flow past a cylinder with PSB biofilm for bio-hydrogen production, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 36, 14031-14040 (2011) (SCI,EI)

18.        DH Lee, Duu-Jong Lee, LH Chiu, Biohydrogen development in United States and in China: An input-output model study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 36, 14238-14244 (2011) (SCI,EI)

19.        LL Wei, QL Zhao, K Hu, Duu-Jong Lee, CM Xie, JQ Jiang, Extracellular biological organic matters in sewage sludge during mesophilic digestion at reduced hydraulic retention time, WATER RESEARCH, 45, 1472-1480 (2011) (SCI,EI)

20.        YC Juang, A Su, LH Fang, Duu-Jong Lee, JY Lai, Fouling with aerobic granule membrane bioreactor, WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 64, 1870-1875 (2011) (SCI,EI)


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