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孕妇在受孕前4周及受孕后8周内服用叶酸补充剂,可以降低孩子在3岁时出现严重语言发育迟缓的风险。 这项研究始于1999年,研究数据包括约3.9万名2008年前出生的孩子,他们的母亲在2010年6月交回了为期3年的跟踪问卷。那些母亲在特定时期内(受孕前4周及受孕后8周)没有服用包括叶酸在内的食物补充剂的孩子被归为对照组;母亲服... |

Folic Acid Supplements in Pregnancy and Severe Language Delay in Children
Context Prenatal folic acid supplements reduce the risk of neural tube defects and may have beneficial effects on other aspects of neurodevelopment.
Objective To examine associations between mothers' use of prenatal folic acid supplements and risk of severe language delay in their children at age 3 years.
Design, Setting, and Patients The prospective observational Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study recruited pregnant women between 1999 and December 2008. Data on children born before 2008 whose mothers returned the 3-year follow-up questionnaire by June 16, 2010, were used. Maternal use of folic acid supplements within the interval from 4 weeks before to 8 weeks after conception was the exposure. Relative risks were approximated by estimating odds ratios (ORs) with 95% CIs in a logistic regression analysis.
Main Outcome Measure Children's language competency at age 3 years measured by maternal report on a 6-point ordinal language grammar scale. Children with minimal expressive language (only 1-word or unintelligible utterances) were rated as having severe language delay.
Results Among 38 954 children, 204 (0.5%) had severe language delay. Children whose mothers took no dietary supplements in the specified exposure interval were the reference group (n = 9052 [24.0%], with severe language delay in 81 children [0.9%]). Adjusted ORs for 3 patterns of exposure to maternal dietary supplements were (1) other supplements, but no folic acid (n = 2480 [6.6%], with severe language delay in 22 children [0.9%]; OR, 1.04; 95% CI, 0.62-1.74); (2) folic acid only (n = 7127 [18.9%], with severe language delay in 28 children [0.4%]; OR, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.35-0.86); and (3) folic acid in combination with other supplements (n = 19 005 [50.5%], with severe language delay in 73 children [0.4%]; OR, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.39-0.78).
Conclusion Among this Norwegian cohort of mothers and children, maternal use of folic acid supplements in early pregnancy was associated with a reduced risk of severe language delay in children at age 3 years.