
FASEB J:继人类基因组后的人类微生物组计划

首页 » 1970-01-01 转化医学网 赞(2)
来自《The FASEB Journal》的报道:科学家们考虑到人群之间的差异因而设计了一个统一的工具来进行微生物组的研究。通过这项研究,将来研究者们就可以更好的评估我们摄取的食物或药物是否会影响我们的身体。 来自贝勒医学院妇产科学的Kjersti和Aagaard表示:“以前一直认为益生菌在微生物组中占主导作用,但是最近许多数据表明饮食的干预...

来自《The FASEB Journal》的报道:科学家们考虑到人群之间的差异因而设计了一个统一的工具来进行微生物组的研究。通过这项研究,将来研究者们就可以更好的评估我们摄取的食物或药物是否会影响我们的身体。




《FASEB Journal》主编Gerald Weissmann表示:“无论是酸奶,青霉素还是苏打水都能改变我们体内微生物组的群落。这个开创性的研究使我们更好的理解饮食,疾病和药物如何影响我们内部的生态系统。”


The Human Microbiome Project strategy for comprehensive sampling of the human microbiome and why it matters

The Human Microbiome Project used rigorous good clinical practice standards to complete comprehensive body site sampling in healthy 18- to 40-yr-old adults, creating an unparalleled reference set of microbiome specimens. To ensure that specimens represented minimally perturbed microbiomes, we first screened potential participants using exclusion criteria based on health history, including the presence of systemic diseases (e.g., hypertension, cancer, or immunodeficiency or autoimmune disorders), use of potential immunomodulators, and recent use of antibiotics or probiotics. Subsequent physical examinations excluded individuals based on body mass index (BMI), cutaneous lesions, and oral health. We screened 554 individuals to enroll 300 (149 men and 151 women, mean age 26 yr, mean BMI 24 kg/m2, 20.0% racial minority, and 10.7% Hispanic). We obtained specimens from the oral cavity, nares, skin, gastrointestinal tract, and vagina (15 specimens from men and 18 from women). The study evaluated longitudinal changes in an individual's microbiome by sampling 279 participants twice (mean 212 d after the first sampling; range 30-359 d) and 100 individuals 3 times (mean 72 d after the second sampling; range 30-224 d). This sampling strategy yielded 11,174 primary specimens, from which 12,479 DNA samples were submitted to 4 centers for metagenomic sequencing. Our clinical design and well-defined reference cohort has laid a foundation for microbiome research.—Aagaard, K., Petrosino, J., Keitel, W., Watson, M., Katancik, J., Garcia, N., Patel, S., Cutting, M., Madden, T., Hamilton, H., Harris, E., Gevers, D., Simone, G., McInnes, P., Versalovic, J. The Human Microbiome Project strategy for comprehensive sampling of the human microbiome and why it matters.


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