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来自华盛顿大学的一个研究小组开发了一种彩色编码细胞新方法,以此阐明了100种生物标志物,在当前研究标准之上提高了10倍,帮助分析了来自培养物或组织... |

来自华盛顿大学的一个研究小组开发了一种彩色编码细胞新方法,以此阐明了100种生物标志物,在当前研究标准之上提高了10倍,帮助分析了来自培养物或组织活检的单个细胞。这一研究工作发表在本周的《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)杂志上。
领导这一研究的是华盛顿大学生物工程学教授高虓虎(Xiaohu Gao)博士。其科研兴趣主要集中于纳米科技和生物科技在临床医学中的应用,并在光学条形码技术, 活体医学成像, 多功能纳米材料等领域作出过突出贡献。其中在Nature Nanotechnology (IF 20.57), Nature Biotechnology (IF 22.29), Lancet Oncology (IF 13.28)等国际顶级杂志上发表文章数十篇,单篇论文最高引用次数超过1,000次,还有多篇文章单篇他引次数过百。

华盛顿大学研究小组创建了一个循环过程,使得科学家们能够在单个细胞中测试多达100种生物标记。而在此之前,研究人员一次只能测试10种。这一分析利用了量子点(quantum dots)技术。量子点是一些半导体材料荧光球,它是许多电子设备,包括智能电话和收音机中材料的缩小版本。这些量子点的直径为2-6纳米,根据大小它们会发出不同的颜色。尽管许多量子点论文曾经尝试扩大单细胞测试中的生物标志数量,此前还未做过周期性测试。这种方法实质上重复利用了相同的组织样本,一轮检测10个为一组的生物标记。高虓虎说:“蛋白质是细胞功能和行为的基础构件,然而它们在细胞内的组成非常复杂。你需要观察一些指标(生物标记)来了解正在发生的事情。”

量子点(quantum dots)技术
高虓虎教授感受科学前沿,在生物医药纳米工程,分子工程,分子成像及分子诊断等多个领域从事科学研究。以量子点(quantum dots QD)科学为研究核心,通过对量子点功能性和纳米结构深入探讨研究超灵敏的金属纳米粒检测技术。利用量子点光学性质,发展一种高通量光学“条形码”,用于基因、蛋白质、细胞等生物分子检测;根据个体癌症病例特异性特点,开发一种多色彩共价量子点技术,原位定量形成肿瘤标记物。系统研究多功能性纳米探针,用于目视观察其在活性细胞中的分子动态,用于早期癌症和心血管疾病的诊断;无机纳米粒和高分子材料有机结合作为小分子药物分子,siRNA和DNAs等治疗分子的药物载体,研究其功能性和靶向性行为。
Quantum dot imaging platform for single-cell molecular profiling
Study of normal cell physiology and disease pathogenesis heavily relies on untangling the complexity of intracellular molecular mechanisms and pathways. To achieve this goal, comprehensive molecular profiling of individual cells within the context of microenvironment is required. Here we report the development of a multicolour multicycle in situ imaging technology capable of creating detailed quantitative molecular profiles for individual cells at the resolution of optical imaging. A library of stoichiometric fluorescent probes is prepared by linking target-specific antibodies to a universal quantum dot-based platform via protein A in a quick and simple procedure. Surprisingly, despite the potential for multivalent binding between protein A and antibody and the intermediate affinity of this non-covalent bond, fully assembled probes do not aggregate or exchange antibodies, facilitating highly multiplexed parallel staining. This single-cell molecular profiling technology is expected to open new opportunities in systems biology, gene expression studies, signalling pathway analysis and molecular diagnostics.
Supersandwich Cytosensor for Selective and Ultrasensitive Detection of Cancer Cells Using Aptamer-DNA Concatamer-Quantum Dots Probes.
In this work, a signal amplification supersandwich strategy was developed for highly selective and sensitive detection of cancer cells using aptamer-DNA concatamer-quantum dots (QDs) probes. First of all, electrode materials denoted as MWCNTs@PDA@AuNPs were fabricated by multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), and polydopamine (PDA) using a layer-by-layer technique. Then, the prepared bases as matrices were applied to bind concanavalin A (Con A), resulting in high stability, bioactivity, and capability for cell capture. Meanwhile, aptamer-DNA concatamer-QDs were designed via DNA hybridization followed by covalent assembling, which incorporated the specific recognition of the aptamer with the signal amplification of the DNA concatamer and QDs. With aptamer-DNA concatamer-QDs as recognizing probes, the model cancer cells (CCRF-CEM cells) were detected using a MWCNTs@PDA@AuNPs modified electrode with trapped Con A by means of fluorescence and electrochemical methods. The proposed supersandwich cytosensor showed high sensitivity with the detection limit of 50 cells mL-1. More importantly, it could distinguish cancer cells from normal cells, which indicated the promising applications of our method in clinical diagnosis and treatment of cancers.
A universal quantum dots-aptamer probe for efficient cancer detection and targeted imaging.
Targeted quantum dots have shown as an analytical and imaging tool for cancer detection and molecular imaging. Aptamers have recently been demonstrated as ideal candidates for molecular targeting applications. In the present work, quantum dots (QDs) were encapsulated with functional poly(ethylene glycol)-phospholipids to improve their solubility in water solution. The as-prepared QDs were then conjugated with the AS1411 aptamer recognizing the nucleolin overexpressed on cancer cell surface. The recognition of QD-Aptamer nanocomplex to breast cancer cells was demonstrated using confocal microscopy, and the viability of QDs-aptamer bioconjugate bound cells were not affected within 24 h, indicating that the probe was biocompatible and suitable for in vitro diagnostic assays and live cell imaging. Such well-defined aptamer-conjugated QDs nanoprobe was simple and universal to be extended to prepare various aptamer-nanoparticles hybrid systems for cancer targeting and molecular imaging applications.
Assessing breast cancer margins ex vivo using aqueous quantum-dot-molecular probes.
Positive margins have been a critical issue that hinders the success of breast- conserving surgery. The incidence of positive margins is estimated to range from 20% to as high as 60%. Currently, there is no effective intraoperative method for margin assessment. It would be desirable if there is a rapid and reliable breast cancer margin assessment tool in the operating room so that further surgery can be continued if necessary to reduce re-excision rate. In this study, we seek to develop a sensitive and specific molecular probe to help surgeons assess if the surgical margin is clean. The molecular probe consists of the unique aqueous quantum dots developed in our laboratory conjugated with antibodies specific to breast cancer markers such as Tn-antigen. Excised tumors from tumor-bearing nude mice were used to demonstrate the method. AQD-Tn mAb probe proved to be sensitive and specific to identify cancer area quantitatively without being affected by the heterogeneity of the tissue. The integrity of the surgical specimen was not affected by the AQD treatment. Furthermore, AQD-Tn mAb method could determine margin status within 30 minutes of tumor excision, indicating its potential as an accurate intraoperative margin assessment method.