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在这项为期9年的病例对照研究中,加州大学洛杉矶分校菲尔丁公共卫生学院的流行病学家Julia E. Heck博士采用第4版加州线源扩散模型系统(CALINE4)检测污染。该系统使用一队机动车辆来预测汽车空转、行驶、加速和减速时的一氧化碳(CO)排放量。
Prenatal exposure to air pollution boosts childhood cancer risk
WASHINGTON – Children whose mothers were exposed to air pollution during pregnancy may have a small, but significant, increase in pediatric cancer risk.
A 9-year case-control study found that children who were exposed to the highest levels of traffic-related pollution prenatally and during the first year of life were 19% more likely to develop bilateral retinoblastoma and 17% more likely to develop germ cell tumors than were children who were exposed to the lowest level.
"This is the first study to report upon traffic pollution in relation to retinoblastoma or germ cell tumors, and since both of these are rare, the findings need to be replicated in other studies," Julia E. Heck, Ph.D., said in an interview at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.
Dr. Heck, an epidemiologist at the University of California’s Fielding School of Public Health, Los Angeles, used a state air pollution modeling system to detect the patterns in her study. The California Line Source Dispersion Modeling system, version 4 (CALINE4) uses a test fleet of motor vehicles to predict traffic-related carbon monoxide emissions from vehicles in idle, cruise, acceleration, and deceleration.
Her study cohort comprised 3,590 children with cancer who were included in a California cancer registry. All were born between 1998 and 2007 and were aged younger than 6 years. She compared these children to a random selection of 80,224 children drawn form California birth records. The CALINE4 system generated estimates of local traffic exposure based on where the mothers were living during each trimester of pregnancy.
The model imputed emissions from gasoline and diesel vehicles within a 1,500-meter radius of the address. It included data on traffic volume, roadway geometry, vehicle emission rates, and weather patterns, and divided the cohort into quartiles according to exposure. Dr. Heck looked specifically at carbon monoxide measurements in increments of 53 parts per billion.
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