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近日在FeicePharma网站看到标题为“20 Highest-Paid Biopharma CEOs of 2012”的新闻,下面是上榜的公司老总和所领导的公司名。
CEO公司名称1Leonard'Len'SchleiferRegeneron2WilliamWeldonJohnson&Johnson(强生)3IanReadPfiz... |

近日在FeicePharma网站看到标题为“20 Highest-Paid Biopharma CEOs of 2012”的新闻,下面是上榜的公司老总和所领导的公司名。
CEO | 公司名称 | |
1 | Leonard'Len'Schleifer | Regeneron |
2 | WilliamWeldon | Johnson&Johnson(强生) |
3 | IanRead | Pfizer(辉瑞) |
4 | MilesWhite | AbbottLaboratories(雅培) |
5 | DavidPyott | Allergan |
6 | RobertParkinson | BaxterInternational(百特) |
7 | LambertoAndreotti | Bristol-MyersSquibb(百时美施贵宝) |
8 | KennethFrazier | Merck(默克) |
9 | JohnMartin | GileadSciences(吉利德科学) |
10 | JohnLechleiter | EliLilly(礼来) |
11 | JoeJimenez | Novartis(诺华) |
12 | LeonardBell | AlexionPharmaceuticals |
13 | RobertBradway | Amgen(安进) |
14 | GeorgeScangos | BiogenIdec(百健艾迪) |
15 | SeverinSchwan | Roche(罗氏) |
16 | AngusRussell | Shire |
17 | AlexGorsky | Johnson&Johnson(强生) |
18 | RobertHugin | Celgene(赛尔基因) |
19 | HeatherBresch | Mylan |
20 | ChristopherViehbacher | Sanofi(赛诺菲) |
从榜单可以看出,上榜的公司绝大多数都是生物制药(化学+生物药)领域赫赫有名的大公司,出乎一般人意料的是,排名第一的Leonard 'Len' Schleifer所在的公司Regeneron并不算著名,在上榜的公司中,知名度几乎是最低的,我相信在业界之外的网友绝大多数甚至都没有听说过该公司。所以这是何方神仙?Regeneron又如何能支付该CEO高达3000万美元的薪水?! 今年60岁的Len Schleifer原是康奈尔大学医学院神经内科和神经生物学助理教授, 1988年,在其35岁时下海创办Regeneron公司做CEO至今已长达25年。该公司现在已在纳斯达克上市,公司总部位于纽约州的小城Tarrytown,公司刚创办时干的正是创办人的老本行,专门研究神经营养因子和其可再生能力(Regenerative capabilities),这也是该公司名Regeneron的由来,后来又扩展到其它研发领域。目前该公司最主要、也是最著名的产品是EYLEA (即aflibercept 注射液),该产品2011年11月被FDA批准上市,用于老年人常见的失明疾病,这个药显然是老年失明者的光明使者,可惜该药才在美国上市不到两年,肯定还没有进入我国市场,因为我国所有的进口药都需要在我国境内临床实验结果,所以一般至少好几年才可获批。
该公司另一被FDA批准的上市药为ARCALYST (又名rilonacept, 2008年获批) 。Regeneron公司和欧洲制药巨头赛诺菲联合研发成功的用于治疗直肠癌的新药Zaltrap,于2012年被FDA批准上市,今年第一季度,该药的销售额已达1400万美元。Regeneron公司可谓是经历了大起大落:该公司的销售额从2010年2500万美元猛增到去年的8.58亿美元,在2011年更是赔了2.2亿美元,在过去12月中,该公司的股票从每股131美元倍增到267美元。公司老总LenSchleifer并非只对自己大方,也奖励了许多员工股权,去年该公司仅奖给职工的股票市值就高达1.5亿美元。这对于一个规模不大的生物公司而言,绝对是一个很大的数字,所以该公司也成就了不少百万富翁,所以Len Schleifer曾对媒体说:“在过去10年,我们公司所造就的百万富翁的数量很可能超过了纽约州的任何一家公司." 值得一提的是,Len Schleifer在今年初还被FeicePharma评为生物医药领域最有影响的25位牛人之一。
8.58亿美元销售额和百年老店、制药巨头辉瑞、诺华、强生相比,自然是小巫见大巫,辉瑞更是高达近700亿美元。但是,做为一家成立才25年的公司,已经有2.5个药被FDA批准上市,是非常了不起的成就,欧洲制药另一巨头在过去10年中,投入了近600亿美元用于研发新药,才仅有4个药被FDA批准。因此,Len Schleifer显然是有两把刷子的,能在25年中将Regeneron公司做到今天的成就,显然配得超过3000万美元的年薪(不仅仅是现金,当然还包括股票等收入)。生物制药领域的薪水在各行业算是不错的了,但是和IT相比,还有不小的差距,所以CEO的收入也有较大差距,比如IT领域著名公司甲骨文的CEO年薪高达近亿美元,是全球薪水最高的CEO。
上述榜单中,即使是最后一名(即第20名)赛诺菲的CEO Christopher Viehbacher的年薪也有963万美元。另外,唯一的一家公司有两人上榜的是强生公司的WilliamWeldon 和Alex Gorsky,两人分别是该公司的董事长和CEO。强生公司的总部,我曾经去过,感兴趣的网友,可以点击我的配有照片的博文:“强生(J&J)公司及其总部”。
20 Highest-Paid Biopharma CEOs of 2012
Call it a rite of spring. Every year about this time, FiercePharma takes a look at executive compensation in the industry, and we rank the highest-paid CEOs. If you're a regular reader, you'll notice that this year's list is longer than previous editions. And there's a reason for that: curiosity.
As we were beginning to gather numbers from biopharma companies' proxy statements and annual reports, news surfaced that Valeant Pharmaceuticals ($VRX) and Actavis ($ACT) had been in merger talks. The former CEO of Mylan ($MYL), one of Actavis' rivals, regularly appeared on our highest-paid executives list, so we looked up the numbers on Actavis. No dice; CEO Paul Bisaro may have pulled off his biggest merger ever last year, but $8.66 million in compensation still didn't qualify him for our ranking.
Then, we pulled out Valeant's proxy statement. And while CEO Michael Pearson didn't earn enough in 2012 to make the cutoff--his compensation just surpassed $6 million--he should have been at the top of the list last year. Pearson's 2011 pay package broke $36 million. He collected more than $18 million in stock and option awards, plus a special $13.7 million dividend payment, stemming from agreements negotiated years before.
We hate to miss a scoop. Naturally. So, we vowed to avoid making the same mistake this time around. Rather than limit our executive-pay search to the biggest pharma companies and biotechs, plus the usual suspects who often make CEO-pay rankings, we used a bigger net. We collected compensation information from 50 companies, including numbers for CEOs, CFOs, R&D chiefs and other top executives.
Partly because of this search, but mostly because of big bonuses and awards at fast-growing Regeneron ($REGN), we have a brand-new No. 1 on our list. That's Regeneron CEO Leonard Schleifer, whose 2012 compensation totaled $30.047 million. You'll notice some other newbies, such as Leonard Bell from Alexion ($ALXN), whose pay bump put him in 12th place. And then there are familiar faces, such as Pfizer ($PFE) CEO Ian Read; Johnson & Johnson's ($JNJ) former chairman and CEO, William Weldon; and Eli Lilly ($LLY) CEO John Lechleiter, who hung on in 10th place.
Many of the companies we researched pay their top people far less than the $10 million that served as our cutoff figure. Novo Nordisk ($NVO) CEO Lars Sorensen, who has presided over double-digit growth there for several years, collected a package of cash and stock awards worth about $5 million for 2012. GlaxoSmithKline ($GSK) CEO Andrew Witty made less than $6 million himself; he took a pay cut for the year because of Glaxo's shortfall on certain performance targets.
And then there are others who would have made the list, had their titles been different. There's Regeneron R&D chief George Yancopoulos, whose extraordinary $81 million in compensation shows how much the company appreciates its newly minted blockbuster, Eylea. There's Mylan Chairman Robert Coury, who used to be a fixture on our list until Heather Bresch took over as CEO; he made more than $28 million last year. Novartis' ($NVS) former chairman Daniel Vasella could have qualified for 12th place with his $13.98 million in compensation.
Vasella, then, gives us a quick segue to the ongoing debate over executive pay. In Switzerland, populist dismay at some high-profile compensation figures led to a public vote earlier this year. Citizens voted in new restrictions on common bonuses, such as golden parachutes, and gave shareholders a binding vote on executive pay. And local analysts figure that late-breaking news of Vasella's behind-the-scenes noncompete agreement--worth some $78 million over 5 years--helped pay activists to get out the vote. (Vasella ended up refusing the deal, by the way.)
In the U.S., where executives are paid more than anywhere else in the world, shareholders at some companies have successfully lobbied for a greater emphasis on performance pay and against extraordinary bonuses, such as change-in-control payments that send top executives on their way with tens of millions after a merger. Other companies have instituted "say-on-pay" advisory votes for shareholders, but those often end up as rubber stamps for the status quo.
Now, we're interested in what you have to say about executive compensation. Are the CEOs on this list worth their price? What's a supersuccessful new drug worth? Should CEO pay be docked for R&D failures? What about failed launches? Should other, lower-paid executives earn more? Tweet your opinions to @FiercePharma using the hashtag #FPexecpay, leave your comments below or email us. We'll collect your thoughts in a future article.
As always, feel free to send us your thoughts on our coverage. And if we missed a well-paid CEO, be sure to let us know.
Read more: 20 Highest-Paid Biopharma CEOs of 2012 - FiercePharma http://www.fiercepharma.com/spec ... -2012#ixzz2UJ4zqt2z
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