

首页 » 1970-01-01 转化医学网 赞(2)
一项最新的研究表明,男人偷看其它女人不应该受到责备,因为他们的基因决定了他们认为陌生女人更具吸引力。 最新的研究显示,虽然女人更容易被面熟的男人所吸引,但男人更容易认为他们没有见过的女生更具吸引力。可能的原因是在进化过程中,男人通过尽可能交配多的女性而极大化自己的生殖成功率。 英国斯特林大学和格拉斯哥大学的研究人员在向男人和女人展示不同...



英国斯特林大学和格拉斯哥大学的研究人员在向男人和女人展示不同面孔的图片后,得出了这一结论。研究中女人看到同一男子面部次数越多,她们越容易被他吸引。这项发表在期刊《性行为档案》(Archives of Sexual Behaviour)上的文章显示,男人在看到同一女性面孔超过两次则认为该女性吸引力降低。

研究人员表示,所谓的库立奇效应或可以部分解释这一发现——也即与女性相比,男性更容易被性对象的新颖性所吸引。这一效应是以第30任美国总统卡尔文•库立奇(Calvin Coolidge)的轶事为名。在一次农场访问中,当库立奇的妻子被告知农场里只有一只小公鸡和很多只母鸡时,原因是公鸡每天都会交配好几次,据传闻她说道:“快把它告诉库立奇先生。”当总统问及小公鸡是否每次都与同一母鸡交配时,得到否定的答案后,他说道:“快把它告诉库立奇太太。”

英国斯特林大学地球科学学院的安东尼·里特尔(Anthony Little)说道:“男人觉得似曾相似的女性面孔吸引力和性感程度都比较低,尤其是对于短期关系而言。男性倾向于追求大量的伴侣,通过与多个女性性交能够增加他们生殖的成功性。”


Sex Differences in Attraction to Familiar and Unfamiliar Opposite-Sex Faces: Men Prefer Novelty and Women Prefer Familiarity

Familiarity is attractive in many types of stimuli and exposure generally increases feelings of liking. However, men desire a greater number of sexual partners than women, suggesting a preference for novelty. We examined sex differences in preferences for familiarity. In Study 1 (N = 83 women, 63 men), we exposed individuals to faces twice and found that faces were judged as more attractive on the second rating, reflecting attraction to familiar faces, with the exception that men’s ratings of female faces decreased on the second rating, demonstrating attraction to novelty. In Studies 2 (N = 42 women, 28 men) and 3 (N = 51 women, 25 men), exposure particularly decreased men’s ratings of women’s attractiveness for short-term relationships and their sexiness. In Study 4 (N = 64 women, 50 men), women’s attraction to faces was positively related to self-rated similarity to their current partner’s face, while the effect was significantly weaker for men. Potentially, men’s attraction to novelty may reflect an adaptation promoting the acquisition of a high number of sexual partners


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