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美国国家癌症研究所一项新研究显示,每天服用阿司匹林可以把女性罹患卵巢癌风险降低 20%。不过,研究人员同时强调,还需进一步研究才能把这个结论作为临床建议推荐。
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美国国家癌症研究所一项新研究显示,每天服用阿司匹林可以把女性罹患卵巢癌风险降低 20%。不过,研究人员同时强调,还需进一步研究才能把这个结论作为临床建议推荐。
卵巢癌是女性健康的一大威胁,每年仅美国就有逾 2 万人确诊患卵巢癌,1.4 万女性死于这种疾病。早期卵巢癌可成功治疗,但早期卵巢癌症状与消化系统疾病和膀胱疾病类似,因此卵巢癌常常到晚期才被发现。
研究人员分析了来自约 8000 名卵巢癌患者和近 1.2 万名未罹患卵巢癌女性的数据,这些人中有 18% 经常服用阿司匹林。结果发现,与每周服用阿司匹林不到一次的女性相比,每天服用阿司匹林的女性患卵巢癌风险降低 20%。相关论文发表在新一期《国立癌症研究所杂志》上。
Aspirin in Prevention of Ovarian Cancer: Are We at the Tipping Point?
Experimental, epidemiological, and clinical data over the last two decades have supported the hypothesis that aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) possess anticancer properties. Experimental data suggest induction of apoptosis, inhibition of angiogenesis, and enhanced cellular immune responses as possible mechanisms (1). Epidemiological studies have in many cases shown an inverse association between cancer incidence and regular administration of NSAIDs (2), whereas clinical data have demonstrated reduction in the development of cancer precursor lesions as well as cancer incidence and mortality rates after regular administration of such drugs (3,4). Positive effects have been demonstrated most clearly in colorectal cancers, but accumulating data support the hypothesis that benefit is likely for a much broader spectrum of malignancies, including ovarian cancer (5). Increasing interest in the issue led to an international consensus statement published in 2009 in the Lancet, which emphasized the substantial potential for chemoprevention using anti-inflammatory medications while highlighting the need for well-designed clinical trials able to adequately assess risk and benefit and ultimately help define individuals who may benefit from such intervention (6).
Ovarian cancer continues to be the most lethal of all gynecological cancers, largely because of delayed presentation of symptoms, rapidly acquired chemoresistance, and a paucity of newer effective agents. Screening methods have to date proved largely ineffective, and chemoprevention remains a vastly understudied paradigm. Within this context, the Trabert et al. article (7) in this issue of the Journal is a much welcomed addition to published literature
