Nature子刊:DNA纳米粒子安全瞄准肿瘤 可直接送药
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论文第一作者、多伦多大学生物材料和生物医学工程研究所(IBBME)博士研究生周佑廷(Leo Y. T. Chou)表示,要让药物进入肿瘤,它们需具备一定的尺寸。肿瘤具有多孔特征,基于肿瘤类型和发展阶段的不同,孔的大小大约在50到500纳米之间。该项研究的目标在于,将足够小的纳米粒子穿过这些孔并悬浮在肿瘤内,以对癌症进行治疗或成像。如果粒子太大,它将无法进入肿瘤内,太小则又会很快地从肿瘤内溜走。
该研究所陈志和(Warren C. W. Chan)教授及其领导的研究团队通过创建与 DNA “粘”在一起的模块化结构来解决上述问题。他们使用的分子组装模型,可像搭积木一样将精心制作的片状材料装配成精确结构。周博士说,这种设计策略的主要优势是高度模块化,从而允许纳米粒子在进进出出间交换成分,更容易地创建出多功能系统,或是筛选出具有理想生物学行为的纳米粒子。
留在体内的纳米粒子具有毒性长期风险,这已成为纳米医学研究的一大严峻挑战。周博士举例说,患者在年轻时罹患癌症,通过多次注射这些金属离子,数年后将会有重金属纳米粒子保留在体内,从而导致出现其他问题。而 DNA (脱氧核糖核酸)是柔性的,随着时间的推移,体内的天然酶可引起 DNA 降解,组装件将会分崩瓦解。人体然后可通过尿液安全地、轻易地排掉较小的粒子。
研究人员在为此项突破高兴的同时,也意识到尚有大量工作要做。譬如 DNA 设计如何影响稳定性,而稳定性的缺乏到底是有益还是有害等。研究人员指出,使用 DNA 组装来打造复杂、智能纳米技术以用于癌症治疗或成像,目前尚处于非常初期的开发阶段。(转化医学网
DNA assembly of nanoparticle superstructures for controlled biological delivery and elimination
he assembly of nanomaterials using DNA can produce complex nanostructures, but the biological applications of these structures remain unexplored. Here, we describe the use of DNA to control the biological delivery and elimination of inorganic nanoparticles by organizing them into colloidal superstructures. The individual nanoparticles serve as building blocks, whose size, surface chemistry and assembly architecture dictate the overall superstructure design. These superstructures interact with cells and tissues as a function of their design, but subsequently degrade into building blocks that can escape biological sequestration. We demonstrate that this strategy reduces nanoparticle retention by macrophages and improves their in vivo tumour accumulation and whole-body elimination. Superstructures can be further functionalized to carry and protect imaging or therapeutic agents against enzymatic degradation. These results suggest a different strategy to engineer nanostructure interactions with biological systems and highlight new directions in the design of biodegradable and multifunctional nanomedicine.