Sci Transl Med:有效诊断遗传疾病的新方法
导读 | 被怀疑患有遗传病的人当中,只有不到一半的的人能真正得到满意的诊断。目前,柏林大学医院中心区分院(Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin)和马克思普朗克分子遗传学研究所的科学家们,将新一代测序技术(NGS)、生物信息学和临床数据进行整合,开发出一种有效的诊断程序,可显著增加受影响患者的诊断前景。该程序免费提供给相关医疗机构,并可以立即使用。相关研究结果发表在最近的《科学转化医学》(Science Translational Medicine)杂志。 |
被怀疑患有遗传病的人当中,只有不到一半的的人能真正得到满意的诊断。目前,柏林大学医院中心区分院(Charité - Universit?tsmedizin Berlin)和马克思普朗克分子遗传学研究所的科学家们,将新一代测序技术(NGS)、生物信息学和临床数据进行整合,开发出一种有效的诊断程序,可显著增加受影响患者的诊断前景。该程序免费提供给相关医疗机构,并可以立即使用。相关研究结果发表在最近的《科学转化医学》(Science Translational Medicine)杂志。
要实施合适的治疗,第一步是准确的诊断——即使在无法医治的情况下,这是非常重要的。PhenIX诊断程序的开发者之一Peter Robinson称:“至少,它提供了保证,疾病不是由自己造成的。”PhenIX代表“Phenotypic Interpretation of eXomes”。在过去,只能对这类疾病进行遗传学分析。然而,这往往不足以准确地检测疾病。所有检测的问题在于,患者的个体差异使诊断变得很困难,来自于每个人固有规范的数百万个遗传偏差当中,必须找到重要的差异。
第二步中,主治医师浏览Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO)——Charité开发的一个数据库,以寻找患者的症状。这也包含可能引起疾病的遗传缺陷的一个列表。然后,当医生检测两种分析方法之间的重叠时,会发现一个候选者列表,往往包含不超过20种可能的病因,包括按概率排序。通过这个列表检测疾病,相对比较容易。
原文标题:Effective diagnosis of genetic disease by computational phenotype analysis of the disease-associated genome
原文摘要:Less than half of patients with suspected genetic disease receive a molecular diagnosis. We have therefore integrated next-generation sequencing (NGS), bioinformatics, and clinical data into an effective diagnostic workflow. We used variants in the 2741 established Mendelian disease genes [the disease-associated genome (DAG)] to develop a targeted enrichment DAG panel (7.1 Mb), which achieves a coverage of 20-fold or better for 98% of bases. Furthermore, we established a computational method [Phenotypic Interpretation of eXomes (PhenIX)] that evaluated and ranked variants based on pathogenicity and semantic similarity of patients’ phenotype described by Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) terms to those of 3991 Mendelian diseases. In computer simulations, ranking genes based on the variant score put the true gene in first place less than 5% of the time; PhenIX placed the correct gene in first place more than 86% of the time. In a retrospective test of PhenIX on 52 patients with previously identified mutations and known diagnoses, the correct gene achieved a mean rank of 2.1. In a prospective study on 40 individuals without a diagnosis, PhenIX analysis enabled a diagnosis in 11 cases (28%, at a mean rank of 2.4). Thus, the NGS of the DAG followed by phenotype-driven bioinformatic analysis allows quick and effective differential diagnostics in medical genetics.
要实施合适的治疗,第一步是准确的诊断——即使在无法医治的情况下,这是非常重要的。PhenIX诊断程序的开发者之一Peter Robinson称:“至少,它提供了保证,疾病不是由自己造成的。”PhenIX代表“Phenotypic Interpretation of eXomes”。在过去,只能对这类疾病进行遗传学分析。然而,这往往不足以准确地检测疾病。所有检测的问题在于,患者的个体差异使诊断变得很困难,来自于每个人固有规范的数百万个遗传偏差当中,必须找到重要的差异。
第二步中,主治医师浏览Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO)——Charité开发的一个数据库,以寻找患者的症状。这也包含可能引起疾病的遗传缺陷的一个列表。然后,当医生检测两种分析方法之间的重叠时,会发现一个候选者列表,往往包含不超过20种可能的病因,包括按概率排序。通过这个列表检测疾病,相对比较容易。
原文标题:Effective diagnosis of genetic disease by computational phenotype analysis of the disease-associated genome
原文摘要:Less than half of patients with suspected genetic disease receive a molecular diagnosis. We have therefore integrated next-generation sequencing (NGS), bioinformatics, and clinical data into an effective diagnostic workflow. We used variants in the 2741 established Mendelian disease genes [the disease-associated genome (DAG)] to develop a targeted enrichment DAG panel (7.1 Mb), which achieves a coverage of 20-fold or better for 98% of bases. Furthermore, we established a computational method [Phenotypic Interpretation of eXomes (PhenIX)] that evaluated and ranked variants based on pathogenicity and semantic similarity of patients’ phenotype described by Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) terms to those of 3991 Mendelian diseases. In computer simulations, ranking genes based on the variant score put the true gene in first place less than 5% of the time; PhenIX placed the correct gene in first place more than 86% of the time. In a retrospective test of PhenIX on 52 patients with previously identified mutations and known diagnoses, the correct gene achieved a mean rank of 2.1. In a prospective study on 40 individuals without a diagnosis, PhenIX analysis enabled a diagnosis in 11 cases (28%, at a mean rank of 2.4). Thus, the NGS of the DAG followed by phenotype-driven bioinformatic analysis allows quick and effective differential diagnostics in medical genetics.