导读 | 近期,德国研究人员对HPV一面进行了一个回顾性研究,发现其具有长期有效性。 |
性接触是HPV病毒的主要传播途径,在没有性接触的12至17岁女孩和年轻女性中接种疫苗是最有效的预防HPV的方法。研究人员通过短期和长期随访调查了接种HPV疫苗的女童和妇女的疫苗接种效果。根据作者的计算,在长期随访中的疫苗接种者中,在预防随机检测到的感染中有94%的有效性,在预防持续性感染中有95%的有效性,在预防2级及2级以上的宫颈上皮内瘤(CIN 2 +)有86%的有效性。然而,小型研究和参与者的数量可表明疫苗长期保护的证据质量低于短期保护的证据质量。
The Efficacy and Duration of Vaccine Protection Against Human Papillomavirus: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Yvonne Deleré et al.
Every year, 11.2 of every 100 000 women in Germany develop cervical cancer. Persistent infection with a high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) type is a necessary prerequisite for the development of dysplasia and neoplasia of the cervix. HPV vaccination has been a subject of heated debate since it was incorporated into the vaccination recommendations of the German Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) in 2007. This edition of Deutsches Ärzteblatt International reveals that Yvonne Deleré of Berlin’s Robert Koch Institute et al. have produced a systematic review that shows no decrease in protection over a period of five years following vaccination against HPV types 16 and 18.