
J Agric Food Chem:紫檀芪或可作为治疗肥胖的潜在疗法

首页 » 研究 » 组学 2014-11-01 转化医学网 赞(2)
近日来自巴斯克地区大学(University of the Basque Country)的研究人员通过研究发现紫檀芪可以减少小鼠模型机体脂肪的堆积,其或许可以降低诸如糖尿病等疾病的风险,相关研究刊登于国际杂志Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry上。

紫檀芪(Pterostilbene)是同白藜芦醇同属于一个家族的酚类化合物,其在多种食物中都存在但含量非常少;近日来自巴斯克地区大学(University of the Basque Country)的研究人员通过研究发现紫檀芪可以减少小鼠模型机体脂肪的堆积,其或许可以降低诸如糖尿病等疾病的风险,相关研究刊登于国际杂志Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry上。




Pterostilbene, a Dimethyl Ether Derivative of Resveratrol, Reduces Fat Accumulation in Rats Fed an Obesogenic Diet
J. Agric. Food Chem DOI: 10.1021/jf501318b
Saioa Gómez-Zorita †§, Alfredo Fernández-Quintela †§, Arrate Lasa †§, Leixuri Aguirre †§, Agnes M. Rimando #, and María P. Portillo *†§
The current study aimed to demonstrate the effects of pterostilbene in rats fed an obesogenic diet. For this purpose, pterostilbene was administered at doses of 15 mg/kg body weight/day (PT15 group) or 30 mg/kg body weight/day (PT30 group) for 6 weeks. Pterostilbene reduced adipose tissue mass −15.1% (PT15) and −22.9% (PT30). In this tissue, it decreased malic enzyme (−39.4 and −49.5% for PT15 and PT30 groups, respectively) and fatty acid synthase (−45 and −53.4% for PT15 and PT30) activities. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity was reduced and AMPK activity was increased only in the PT30 group. In the liver, pterostilbene (PT30) reduced malic enzyme (−29.5%) and glucose-6-P dehydrogenase (−43.2%) activities and increased carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1a (37.5%) and acyl-coenzyme A oxidase (42.5%) activities. This increased oxidative capacity was not associated with increased mitochondriogenesis. Among biochemical serum parameters, only insulin was modified by pterostilbene (−31.6%) in the PT15 group. The amounts of pterostilbene in serum and tissues from rats in the PT30 group were in not all cases 2-fold greater than those found in the PT15 group. In conclusion, pterostilbene shows antiobesity properties due, at least in part, to reduced lipogenesis in adipose tissue and increased fatty acid oxidation in liver.

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