
DxTerity : 推进基因组检测的临床应用

首页 » 产业 » 企业 2014-11-14 转化医学网 赞(3)



DxTerity希望基因检测技术成为临床检测的常规步骤。目前,基因检测的成本还是比较高。DxTerity Dx Direct平台可以允许研究者以比较低的价格对临床病人的一滴血液样本进行高通量的基因组检测。(转化医学网360zhyx.com)

原文: DxTerity: Bringing Genomic Testing to the Patient

Of late, molecular diagnostics companies have focused attention on developing technologies that can bypass RNA isolation and sample preparation needed for conventional PCR-based expression analysis. These technologies can also be adapted by companies and academic institutions with gene signatures requiring large validation studies because they provide rapid results at relatively low cost.

One such company, DxTerity Diagnostics, has developed unique amplification chemistry, DxDirect, as the basis of its molecular tests. DxTerity develops assays for disease monitoring and diagnosis. Thus far, the company has developed tests to detect conditions related to inflammatory genetic markers, including radiation exposure and rheumatoid arthritis using its DxDirect Genomic Analysis platform. These tests, the company says, can enable simple, fast, and affordable measurement of genomic biomarkers from a single drop of blood.

DxTerity’s goal is to make genomic testing a routine part of healthcare. Currently, costs are too high for standard use. DxTerity’s Dx Direct platform lets doctors run a wide variety of genomic tests from a single drop of blood at an affordable price.

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