导读 | Malt1蛋白可以执行淋巴细胞交予其的多种任务,但在其它方面Malt1蛋白可以扮演一种酶类,尤其是蛋白酶,其可以破碎信使物质,从而控制其质量。截止到目前为止没有人知道这种特殊蛋白酶在免疫细胞发育过程中的作用,很多年前研究者Jurgen Ruland及其同事就开始了这一研究。 |
Malt1蛋白可以执行淋巴细胞交予其的多种任务,但在其它方面Malt1蛋白可以扮演一种酶类,尤其是蛋白酶,其可以破碎信使物质,从而控制其质量。截止到目前为止没有人知道这种特殊蛋白酶在免疫细胞发育过程中的作用,很多年前研究者Jurgen Ruland及其同事就开始了这一研究。
这篇研究刊登于国际杂志Cell Reports上,文章中研究者解释了小鼠模型免疫系统严重功能失常发生的分子机制,同时也发现了Malt1蛋白意想不到的功能,在Malt1缺失的情况下,小鼠并不会产生调节性T细胞,这些细胞可以精确控制机体的免疫反应。随后研究人员还发现,在Malt1蛋白缺失的情况下正常的淋巴细胞可以被激活,但是随后其会释放不受控制的信使物质,从而引发炎症。
Uncoupling Malt1 Threshold Function from Paracaspase Activity Results in Destructive Autoimmune Inflammation
Cell Reports doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2014.10.044
Andreas Gewies16, Oliver Gorka16, Hanna Bergmann, Konstanze Pechloff, Franziska Petermann, Katharina M. Jeltsch, Martina Rudelius, Mark Kriegsmann, Wilko Weichert, Marion Horsch, Johannes Beckers, Wolfgang Wurst, Mathias Heikenwalder, Thomas Korn, Vigo Heissmeyer, Jürgen Ruland
The paracaspase Malt1 is a central regulator of antigen receptor signaling that is frequently mutated in human lymphoma. As a scaffold, it assembles protein complexes for NF-κB activation, and its proteolytic domain cleaves negative NF-κB regulators for signal enforcement. Still, the physiological functions of Malt1-protease are unknown. We demonstrate that targeted Malt1-paracaspase inactivation induces a lethal inflammatory syndrome with lymphocyte-dependent neurodegeneration in vivo. Paracaspase activity is essential for regulatory T cell (Treg) and innate-like B cell development, but it is largely dispensable for overcoming Malt1-dependent thresholds for lymphocyte activation. In addition to NF-κB inhibitors, Malt1 cleaves an entire set of mRNA stability regulators, including Roquin-1, Roquin-2, and Regnase-1, and paracaspase inactivation results in excessive interferon gamma (IFNγ) production by effector lymphocytes that drive pathology. Together, our results reveal distinct threshold and modulatory functions of Malt1 that differentially control lymphocyte differentiation and activation pathways and demonstrate that selective paracaspase blockage skews systemic immunity toward destructive autoinflammation.