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  相关研究刊登于国际杂志Molecular and Cellular Biology上,Joel Pomerantz博士表示,没有人可以预测出SPPL3是否参与了T细胞的激活,SPPL3就好像走起路来象鸭子,而且叫起来也象鸭子的酶,但其像鸭子般的能力却并不在此处发挥作用。




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A Protease-Independent Function for SPPL3 in NFAT Activation
Molecular and Cellular Biology doi: 10.1128/MCB.01124-14
Stefanie L. Makowski, Zhaoquan Wang and Joel L. Pomerantz
The signal peptide peptidase (SPP)-related intramembrane aspartyl proteases are a homologous group of polytopic membrane proteins, some of which function in innate or adaptive immunity by cleaving proteins involved in antigen presentation or intracellular signaling. Signal peptide peptidase-like 3 (SPPL3) is a poorly characterized endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-localized member of this family, with no validated cellular substrates. We report here the isolation of SPPL3 in a screen for activators of NFAT, a transcription factor that controls lymphocyte development and function. We find that SPPL3 is required downstream of T cell receptor engagement for maximal Ca2+ influx and NFAT activation. Surprisingly, the proteolytic activity of SPPL3 is not required for its role in this pathway. SPPL3 enhances the signal-induced association of stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) and Orai1 and is even required for the full activity of constitutively active STIM1 variants that bind Orai1 independently of ER Ca2+ release. SPPL3 associates with STIM1 through at least two independent domains, the transmembrane region and the CRAC activation domain (CAD), and can promote the association of the STIM1 CAD with Orai1. Our results assign a function in lymphocyte signaling to SPPL3 and highlight the emerging importance of nonproteolytic functions for members of the intramembrane aspartyl protease family.

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