
The Lancet:他汀疗法或可降低女性心血管疾病风险

首页 » 研究 » 心血管 2015-01-12 转化医学网 赞(4)
近日,一篇发表于国际杂志The Lancet上的研究论文中,来自悉尼大学的研究人员发现,他汀类药物疗法可以降低女性患心血管疾病的风险;截至本研究之前,研究者关于他汀类药物疗法对女性的作用是否和对男性一样有效尚无定论。

  近日,一篇发表于国际杂志The Lancet上的研究论文中,来自悉尼大学的研究人员发现,他汀类药物疗法可以降低女性患心血管疾病的风险;截至本研究之前,研究者关于他汀类药物疗法对女性的作用是否和对男性一样有效尚无定论。

  文章中,研究者证实,他汀类药物不仅对患心血管疾病的女性(比如患中风及心脏病发作的女性)有益,还对相关心血管疾病风险增加的个体有益;Anthony Keech教授说道,我们的研究解决了一个不确定性的问题,即利用他汀类药物治疗女性的价值,以及加强该疗法对女性个体治疗的推荐程度。我们都知道,他汀类药物可以通过降低机体低密度脂蛋白胆固醇的水平来抑制高风险个体的心脏病发作及中风的风险。


  最后研究者Jordan Fulcher说道,不管是男性还是女性,心脏病发作和中风都是引发其死亡的主要风险因素,在澳大利亚每年有超过11500名女性因这两种疾病死亡。很少有女性会意识到,他们因心脏病发作死亡的风险高于乳腺癌引发的死亡风险,如果医生可以及时建议她们服用他汀类药物,那么或可明显降低其患心血管疾病的风险。


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Efficacy and safety of LDL-lowering therapy among men and women: meta-analysis of individual data from 174 000 participants in 27 randomised trials
The Lancet    doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61368-4
Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' (CTT) Collaboration
Whether statin therapy is as effective in women as in men is debated, especially for primary prevention. We undertook a meta-analysis of statin trials in the Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' (CTT) Collaboration database to compare the effects of statin therapy between women and men.
We performed meta-analyses on data from 22 trials of statin therapy versus control (n=134 537) and five trials of more-intensive versus less-intensive statin therapy (n=39 612). Effects on major vascular events, major coronary events, stroke, coronary revascularisation and mortality were weighted per 1·0 mmol/L reduction in LDL cholesterol and effects in men and women compared with a Cox model that adjusted for non-sex differences. For subgroup analyses, we used 99% CIs to make allowance for the multiplicity of comparisons.
46 675 (27%) of 174 149 randomly assigned participants were women. Allocation to a statin had similar absolute effects on 1 year lipid concentrations in both men and women (LDL cholesterol reduced by about 1·1 mmol/L in statin vs control trials and roughly 0·5 mmol/L for more-intensive vs less-intensive therapy). Women were generally at lower cardiovascular risk than were men in these trials. The proportional reductions per 1·0 mmol/L reduction in LDL cholesterol in major vascular events were similar overall for women (rate ratio [RR] 0·84, 99% CI 0·78–0·91) and men (RR 0·78, 99% CI 0·75–0·81, adjusted p value for heterogeneity by sex=0·33) and also for those women and men at less than 10% predicted 5 year absolute cardiovascular risk (adjusted heterogeneity p=0·11). Likewise, the proportional reductions in major coronary events, coronary revascularisation, and stroke did not differ significantly by sex. No adverse effect on rates of cancer incidence or non-cardiovascular mortality was noted for either sex. These net benefits translated into all-cause mortality reductions with statin therapy for both women (RR 0·91, 99% CI 0·84–0·99) and men (RR 0·90, 99% CI 0·86–0·95; adjusted heterogeneity p=0·43).
In men and women at an equivalent risk of cardiovascular disease, statin therapy is of similar effectiveness for the prevention of major vascular events.
UK Medical Research Council, British Heart Foundation, Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, European Community Biomed Program.

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