导读 | 很多情况下机体的遗传突变往往包括组成机体DNA元件的化学改变,而这些改变很有可能是由吸烟或者消耗食物比如腌肉而引起,而吸烟或者食用腌肉往往会改变机体的DNA进而产生DNA加合物(DNA adducts);截止到目前,科学家们已经可以确定是否基因样本中含有这种特殊的DNA加合物。 |
很多时候癌症的发生起初阶段往往是机体遗传物质发生微小的改变,一旦细胞中的DNA在某些部分发生突变就会使得细胞不再按照控制好的模式进行分裂,这时候细胞就会生长失控。很多情况下机体的遗传突变往往包括组成机体DNA元件的化学改变,而这些改变很有可能是由吸烟或者消耗食物比如腌肉而引起,而吸烟或者食用腌肉往往会改变机体的DNA进而产生DNA加合物(DNA adducts);截止到目前,科学家们已经可以确定是否基因样本中含有这种特殊的DNA加合物。
近日,一篇发表在国际杂志Journal of the American Chemical Society上的研究论文中,来自苏黎世联邦理工学院的研究人员通过研究首次实现了扩大包含DNA加合物的基因的样本量,这对于研究人员确定基因的DNA序列非常关键。未来研究人员或许可以利用组成包含DNA加合物的四种基本元件方法来扩大DNA的测序工作。
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Specific Incorporation of an Artificial Nucleotide Opposite a Mutagenic DNA Adduct by a DNA Polymerase
JACS DOI: 10.1021/ja5100542
Laura A. Wyss †, Arman Nilforoushan †, Fritz Eichenseher †, Ursina Suter †, Nina Blatter ‡, Andreas Marx ‡, and Shana J. Sturla *†
The ability to detect DNA modification sites at single base resolution could significantly advance studies regarding DNA adduct levels, which are extremely difficult to determine. Artificial nucleotides that are specifically incorporated opposite a modified DNA site offer a potential strategy for detection of such sites by DNA polymerase-based systems. Here we investigate the action of newly synthesized base-modified benzimidazole-derived 2′-deoxynucleoside-5′-O-triphosphates on DNA polymerases when performing translesion DNA synthesis past the pro-mutagenic DNA adduct O6-benzylguanine (O6-BnG). We found that a mutated form of KlenTaq DNA polymerase, i.e., KTqM747K, catalyzed O6-BnG adduct-specific processing of the artificial BenziTP in favor of the natural dNTPs. Steady-state kinetic parameters revealed that KTqM747K catalysis of BenziTP is 25-fold more efficient for template O6-BnG than G, and 5-fold more efficient than natural dTMP misincorporation in adduct bypass. Furthermore, the nucleotide analogue BenziTP is required for full-length product formation in O6-BnG bypass, as without BenziTP the polymerase stalls at the adduct site. By combining the KTqM747K polymerase and BenziTP, a first round of DNA synthesis enabled subsequent amplification of Benzi-containing DNA. These results advance the development of technologies for detecting DNA adducts.