
柳叶刀:降低高血压的革命性新设备—ROX Coupler

首页 » 研究 » 医疗器械 2015-01-24 转化医学网 赞(7)
近日,发表在国际杂志The Lancet上的一篇研究论文中,来自玛丽王后大学的研究人员开发出了一种革命性的设备,其可以帮助那些血压不受控制的高血压患者降低血压,该设备的降压效果优于传统药物的治疗效果。

 近日,发表在国际杂志The Lancet上的一篇研究论文中,来自玛丽王后大学的研究人员开发出了一种革命性的设备,其可以帮助那些血压不受控制的高血压患者降低血压,该设备的降压效果优于传统药物的治疗效果。

  文章中研究人员将这种新型设备命名为“Coupler”(联合ROX医疗公司开发),其是一种回形针大小的植入物,可以在机体麻醉的情况下植入大腿的动脉和静脉之间,随后研究人员开始进行随机盲端临床试验,在83名患者中将Coupler疗法和常规药物疗法进行对比,其中44名患者接受ROX Coupler疗法,结果显示,接受Coupler疗法的患者的血压得到了明显持续性的下降,同时高血压引发的并发症和入院率也下降了。


  研究者Melvin Lobo说道,当前治疗高血压的药物主要集中于激素类或神经调节类的药物,而新型疗法比如肾交感神经去除术又主要是集中对肾神经系统进行作用,新型设备Coupler则可以读血压循环的不同方面进行有效的靶向作用从而来实现控制血压的目的,而该设备作为抗高血压的一种新型设备而言其对于控制动脉僵硬度也有重要的作用。本研究结果显示,利用ROX Coupler治疗高血压的新型疗法为患者和医生们提供了一种可选择的方法来治疗高血压,为改善高血压患者的机体健康和生活质量带来了极大帮助。



  以上为转化医学网原创翻译整理。如需转载,请联系 info@360zhyx.com

Central arteriovenous anastomosis for the treatment of patients with uncontrolled hypertension (the ROX CONTROL HTN study): a randomised controlled trial
The Lancet doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)62053-5
Dr Melvin D Lobo, FRCP, Prof Paul A Sobotka, MD, Prof Alice Stanton, FRCPI, Prof John R Cockcroft, FRCP, Neil Sulke, MD, Eamon Dolan, FRCPI, Prof Markus van der Giet, MD, Prof Joachim Hoyer, MD, Stephen S Furniss, FRCP, John P Foran, MD, Adam Witkowski, MD, Prof Andrzej Januszewicz, PhD, Prof Danny Schoors, MD, Prof Konstantinos Tsioufis, MD, Benno J Rensing, MD, Benjamin Scott, MD, Prof G André Ng, FRCP, Christian Ott, MD, Prof Roland E Schmieder, MD, for the ROX CONTROL HTN Investigators
Hypertension contributes to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. We assessed the safety and efficacy of a central iliac arteriovenous anastomosis to alter the mechanical arterial properties and reduce blood pressure in patients with uncontrolled hypertension.
We enrolled patients in this open-label, multicentre, prospective, randomised, controlled trial between October, 2012, and April, 2014. Eligible patients had baseline office systolic blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or higher and average daytime ambulatory blood pressure of 135 mm Hg or higher systolic and 85 mm Hg or higher diastolic despite antihypertensive treatment. Patients were randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio to undergo implantation of an arteriovenous coupler device plus current pharmaceutical treatment or to maintain current treatment alone (control). The primary endpoint was mean change from baseline in office and 24 h ambulatory systolic blood pressure at 6 months. Analysis was by modified intention to treat (all patients remaining in follow-up at 6 months). This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01642498.
83 (43%) of 195 patients screened were assigned arteriovenous coupler therapy (n=44) or normal care (n=39). Mean office systolic blood pressure reduced by 26·9 (SD 23·9) mm Hg in the arteriovenous coupler group (p<0·0001) and by 3·7 (21·2) mm Hg in the control group (p=0·31). Mean systolic 24 h ambulatory blood pressure reduced by 13·5 (18·8) mm Hg (p<0·0001) in arteriovenous coupler recipients and by 0·5 (15·8) mm Hg (p=0·86) in controls. Implantation of the arteriovenous coupler was associated with late ipsilateral venous stenosis in 12 (29%) of 42 patients and was treatable with venoplasty or stenting.
Arteriovenous anastomosis was associated with significantly reduced blood pressure and hypertensive complications. This approach might be a useful adjunctive therapy for patients with uncontrolled hypertension.
ROX Medical.

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