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近日,发表在国际杂志Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics上的一篇研究报告中,来自波士顿大学医学中心的研究人员揭示了在基因表达开启或关闭出现异常时癌症发生的分子机制。文中提到,癌细胞中甲基化标签的增加主要是由于细胞中出现了高效的DNA甲基化转移酶1(DNMT1)。

  近日,发表在国际杂志Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics上的一篇研究报告中,来自波士顿大学医学中心的研究人员揭示了在基因表达开启或关闭出现异常时癌症发生的分子机制,文章提到,癌细胞中甲基化标签的增加主要是由于细胞中出现了高效的DNA甲基化转移酶1(DNMT1)。


  研究者Sibaji Sarkar博士表示,基因被表达成相应蛋白质过程中并不会进行甲基化,但是一旦当甲基化标签吸附到了DNA上,基因表达就会被关闭;那么是否在机体正常发育阶段及疾病(癌症)发育期间甲基化标签会吸附至基因变化处,目前仍然是一项较大的研究问题。研究者发现,相比正常细胞而言,癌细胞存在更多的甲基化标签,而DNMT1的水平也较高,但是目前并没有人知道这种增加是否是成比例的。



  以上为转化医学网原创翻译整理。如需转载,请联系 info@360zhyx.com。

Methylation by DNMT1 is more Efficient in Chronic Lymphocytic Lymphoma Cells than in Normal Cells.
Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics DOI: 10.4172/jpb.S10-004
Eric Samorodnitsky, Emily Ghosh, Sahana Mazumder and Sibaji Sarkar.
Both plants and animals have genetic machinery that modifies the information and function of their genomes without actually changing their genetic code. This modification process is known as "epigenetics." One of the best studied of these epigenetic processes involves the chemical tagging of DNA nucleotides across the genome using methyl groups. These "methyl tags" are attached to cytosine nucleotides in specific patterns around genes and other expressed sequences by a specialized group of enzymes called methyltransferases.
Genes that are expressed and turned into proteins are free of "methyl" tags, but when such methyl tags attach to DNA, gene expression is turned off. "Whether methyl tags are added to genes varies during normal development and during the development of diseases like cancer, and understanding these processes is currently a major topic of research," explained corresponding author Sibaji Sarkar, PhD, instructor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM). According to Sarkar it was previously discovered that cancer cells have more methyl tags than normal cells and level of the enzyme which adds the tag, DNA methyl transferase1 (DNMT1) is also higher, but no one knew that both increases are not proportional.

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