

首页 » 研究 » 心血管 2015-01-28 转化医学网 赞(2)
中国四川大学等处的研究人员发现,花费超过14分钟才能入睡的失眠症患者或许会面临较高的高血压风险。相关研究由四川大学华西医院(West China Hospital)的研究人员进行,该研究首次检测了是否生理性过度觉醒的失眠症患者和高血压发病直接相关。

  近日,一项刊登在国际杂志Hypertension上的研究论文中,来自中国四川大学等处的研究人员通过研究表示,花费超过14分钟才能入睡的失眠症患者或许会面临较高的高血压风险。相关研究由四川大学华西医院(West China Hospital)的研究人员进行,该研究首次检测了是否生理性过度觉醒的失眠症患者和高血压发病直接相关。

  研究者Xiangdong Tang说道,我们发现生理性过度觉醒的程度和高血压发病之间存在较强的相关性,换句话说,白天较为警觉,而且在多次睡眠潜伏期试验(MSLT)中不能放松或者入睡的失眠症患者或许患高血压的风险较高;失眠症发生在一般人群中的一种流行性睡眠障碍,1/4至1/3的普通人群都会存在难以入睡的情况,而且大约10%的个体都寻找过医疗救助。




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Insomnia With Physiological Hyperarousal Is Associated With Hypertension
Hypertension doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.114.04604
Yun Li, Alexandros N. Vgontzas, Julio Fernandez-Mendoza, Edward O. Bixler, Yuanfeng Sun, Junying Zhou, Rong Ren, Tao Li, Xiangdong Tang
Previous studies have suggested that insomnia with objective short sleep duration is associated with a higher risk of hypertension, and it has been speculated that the underlying mechanism is physiological hyperarousal. In this study, we tested whether insomnia with physiological hyperarousal measured by Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT), a standard test of sleepiness/alertness, is associated with increased risk of hypertension. Two hundred nineteen chronic insomniacs and 96 normal sleepers were included in this study. Chronic insomnia was defined based on standard diagnostic criteria with symptoms lasting ≥6 months. All subjects underwent 1 night in laboratory polysomnography followed by a standard MSLT. We used the median mean MSLT value (ie, >14 minutes) and the 75th percentile of mean MSLT value (ie, >17 minutes) to define hyperarousal. Hypertension was defined based either on blood pressure measures or on diagnosis treatment by a physician. After controlling for age, sex, body mass index, apnea–hypopnea index, diabetes mellitus, smoking, alcohol, and caffeine use, insomnia combined with MSLT >14 minutes increased the odds of hypertension by 300% (odds ratio=3.27; 95% confidence interval=1.20–8.96), whereas insomnia combined with MSLT >17 minutes increased even further the odds of hypertension by 400% (odds ratio=4.33; 95% confidence interval=1.48–12.68) compared with normal sleepers with MSLT ≤14 minutes. Insomnia associated with physiological hyperarousal is associated with a significant risk of hypertension. Long MSLT values may be a reliable index of the physiological hyperarousal and biological severity of chronic insomnia.

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