Blood:窥视白血病干细胞 助力新型靶向疗法的开发
导读 | 近日,一篇发表在国际杂志Blood上的研究论文中,来自维也纳兽医大学(University of Veterinary Medicine)的科学家报道了一种治疗癌症的新型策略。 |
如今尽管研究人员在癌症疗法上取得了巨大的进步,但许多病人依然会出现癌症复发的情况,因为当前很多癌症疗法仅仅是治标而不是治本,而癌症干细胞则是隐藏最深引发癌症复发的源头。近日,一篇发表在国际杂志Blood上的研究论文中,来自维也纳兽医大学(University of Veterinary Medicine)的科学家报道了一种治疗癌症的新型策略。
CDK6 as a key regulator of hematopoietic and leukemic stem cell activation
Blood doi:10.1182/blood-2014-06-584417
Ruth Scheicher1, Andrea Hoelbl-Kovacic1, Florian Bellutti1, Anca-Sarmiza Tigan1, Michaela Prchal-Murphy1, Gerwin Heller2, Christine Schneckenleithner1, María Salazar-Roa3, Sabine Zöchbauer-Müller2, Johannes Zuber4, Marcos Malumbres3, Karoline Kollmann1, and Veronika Sexl1
The cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (CDK6) and CDK4 have redundant functions in regulating cell-cycle progression. We describe a novel role for CDK6 in hematopoietic and leukemic stem cells (hematopoietic stem cells [HSCs] and leukemic stem cells [LSCs]) that exceeds its function as a cell-cycle regulator. Although hematopoiesis appears normal under steady-state conditions, Cdk6−/− HSCs do not efficiently repopulate upon competitive transplantation, and Cdk6-deficient mice are significantly more susceptible to 5-fluorouracil treatment. We find that activation of HSCs requires CDK6, which interferes with the transcription of key regulators, including Egr1. Transcriptional profiling of HSCs is consistent with the central role of Egr1. The impaired repopulation capacity extends to BCR-ABLp210+ LSCs. Transplantation with BCR-ABLp210+–infected bone marrow from Cdk6−/− mice fails to induce disease, although recipient mice do harbor LSCs. Egr1 knock-down in Cdk6−/− BCR-ABLp210+ LSKs significantly enhances the potential to form colonies, underlining the importance of the CDK6-Egr1 axis. Our findings define CDK6 as an important regulator of stem cell activation and an essential component of a transcriptional complex that suppresses Egr1 in HSCs and LSCs.