导读 | 近日,来自日本理化学研究所的研究人员通过研究发现,抑制肥胖脂肪组织炎性或可帮助有效逆转2型糖尿病;研究者表示,在实验室条件下通过抑制脂肪组织的炎性反应就可以逆转实验模型的2型糖尿病症状;相关研究发表于国际杂志Nature Immunology上。 |
近日,来自日本理化学研究所(Riken Institute)的研究人员通过研究发现,抑制肥胖脂肪组织炎性或可帮助有效逆转2型糖尿病;研究者表示,在实验室条件下通过抑制脂肪组织的炎性反应就可以逆转实验模型的2型糖尿病症状;相关研究发表于国际杂志Nature Immunology上。
研究者Ajith Vasanthakumar博士表示,一种名为调节性T细胞(Tregs)的特殊免疫细胞在控制脂肪组织炎性及维持胰岛素敏感性上扮演着重要角色。据估计目前有超过85万澳大利亚人患有2型糖尿病,2型糖尿病的生活方式因子之间具有较强的相关性,比如机体过重和高血压等,而2型糖尿病患者往往也伴随着许多并发症,比如肾脏疾病、心脏疾病等。患2型糖尿病的个体往往对胰岛素的敏感性下降,正常情况下胰岛素可以诱导细胞摄入过多的葡萄糖,而患者机体中的细胞却对胰岛素毫无反应。
The transcriptional regulators IRF4, BATF and IL-33 orchestrate development and maintenance of adipose tissue–resident regulatory T cells
Nature Immunology doi:10.1038/ni.3085
Ajithkumar Vasanthakumar, Kazuyo Moro, Annie Xin, Yang Liao, Renee Gloury, Shimpei Kawamoto, Sidonia Fagarasan, Lisa A Mielke, Shoukat Afshar-Sterle, Seth L Masters, Susumu Nakae, Hirohisa Saito, John M Wentworth, Peng Li, Wei Liao, Warren J Leonard, Gordon K Smyth, Wei Shi, Stephen L Nutt, Shigeo Koyasu & Axel Kallies
Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells in visceral adipose tissue (VAT-Treg cells) are functionally specialized tissue-resident cells that prevent obesity-associated inflammation and preserve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Their development depends on the transcription factor PPAR-γ; however, the environmental cues required for their differentiation are unknown. Here we show that interleukin 33 (IL-33) signaling through the IL-33 receptor ST2 and myeloid differentiation factor MyD88 is essential for development and maintenance of VAT-Treg cells and sustains their transcriptional signature. Furthermore, the transcriptional regulators BATF and IRF4 were necessary for VAT-Treg differentiation through direct regulation of ST2 and PPAR-γ expression. IL-33 administration induced vigorous population expansion of VAT-Treg cells, which tightly correlated with improvements in metabolic parameters in obese mice. Human omental adipose tissue Treg cells also showed high ST2 expression, suggesting an evolutionarily conserved requirement for IL-33 in VAT-Treg cell homeostasis.

游客2015-02-24 11:38:35关键是怎么治疗