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  近日,美国总统奥巴马提出了2016年的预算规划,他呼吁加大对美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的资金补助;在2016财年的4万亿美元规模的预算提案中,国立卫生研究院获得313亿美元,相比2015年增加了10亿美元;据白宫科学技术政策办公室透露,这些资金预算计划用于投资对阿尔兹海默氏症、癌症及其它影响数百万美国人的疾病研究,其中包括1.35亿美元用于进行NIH的大脑计划(BRAIN Initiative)领域。

  由于预算控制法案(Budget Control Act)在2013年对预算削减了5%,目前NIH的预算已经处于停滞不前的地步。随后一些科学界的拥护者出面提醒国会,目前美国已经失去了其在科学和创新领域领导者的地位:比如在去年4月举办的美国参议院拨款委员会会议上,NIH主任Francis Collins就指出,2012财年NIH的资金补助支持了超过40.2万个工作岗位,而且同时也产生了578亿美元的经济效益。


  医学研究基金组织会主席Carrie Wolinetz表示,我们非常欢迎奥巴马总统2016财年关于增加NIH资金投入及消除资金滞留预算的提案,目前NIH致力于人类健康的研究已经获得了很大的进步,但是在过去10年里由于资金不充足而严重影响了研究项目的开展;额外的资金资源也将帮助抵御影响人民健康的严重疾病,包括癌症、心脏病及糖尿病等。

  目前9%的预算用于将FDA的资金增加至49亿美元,FDA专员Margaret Hamburg表示,当前的预算更加精确地反映了FDA在全球监管环境下所面对的挑战;随着FDA工作在不同领域的扩展,不管是从烟草行业的监管还是到支持个体化医药疗法的开发,再到食品安全领域的过度,我们都必须依据现有的资源来鼓励创新,并且确保人民所用药物和食品的安全。


  以上为转化医学网原创翻译整理。如需转载,请联系 info@360zhyx.com。


President Obama released his proposed 2016 budget today, calling for a sharp increase in funding for the National Institutes of Health and an end to sequestration cuts.

Within the $4 trillion budget proposal for FY 2016, President Obama has called for the National Institutes of Health to receive $31.3 billion, a $1 billion increase over 2015 funding. According to the White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy, the budget provides for "increased resources for Alzheimer's, cancer, and other diseases that affect millions of Americans," and also includes $135 million for NIH's contribution to the BRAIN initiative, an effort to develop new technologies for imaging and studying the human brain and use those tools to create a much clearer picture of how this organ functions.

The NIH's budget had already been stagnating when the Budget Control Act's sequestration cut it roughly 5 percent in 2013. Since then, science advocates have cautioned Congress that the US could lose its status as a global leader in science and innovation, while highlighting the return on investment from research funding.

For example, at a US Senate Appropriations Committee meeting last April, NIH Director Francis Collins pointed out that NIH funding in fiscal year 2012 supported more than 402,000 jobs and generated $57.8 billion in economic output, while discoveries arising from NIH-supported science contributed $69 billion to the national GDP in 2011 through the US biomedical industry.

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