导读 | 有机体细胞中的基因组拷贝数越多,细胞或越易于从生长和适应中获益。近日,一篇刊登于国际杂志Nature上的研究论文中,来自克瑞顿大学(Creighton University)的研究人员通过对酵母菌的研究发现,多倍体或许可以极大地帮助细胞去适应周围的环境,多倍体即有机体细胞中的基因组拷贝数超过2倍,由于癌细胞通常都为多倍体或非整倍体,因此本文的研究结果或为进行癌症研究提供新的线索。 |
有机体细胞中的基因组拷贝数越多,细胞或越易于从生长和适应中获益。近日,一篇刊登于国际杂志Nature上的研究论文中,来自克瑞顿大学(Creighton University)的研究人员通过对酵母菌的研究发现,多倍体或许可以极大地帮助细胞去适应周围的环境,多倍体即有机体细胞中的基因组拷贝数超过2倍,由于癌细胞通常都为多倍体或非整倍体,因此本文的研究结果或为进行癌症研究提供新的线索。
Polyploidy can drive rapid adaptation in yeast
Nature doi:10.1038/nature14187
Anna M. Selmecki, Yosef E. Maruvka, Phillip A. Richmond, Marie Guillet, Noam Shoresh, Amber L. Sorenson, Subhajyoti De, Roy Kishony, Franziska Michor, Robin Dowell & David Pellman
Polyploidy is observed across the tree of life, yet its influence on evolution remains incompletely understood1, 2, 3, 4. Polyploidy, usually whole-genome duplication, is proposed to alter the rate of evolutionary adaptation. This could occur through complex effects on the frequency or fitness of beneficial mutations2, 5, 6, 7. For example, in diverse cell types and organisms, immediately after a whole-genome duplication, newly formed polyploids missegregate chromosomes and undergo genetic instability8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. The instability following whole-genome duplications is thought to provide adaptive mutations in microorganisms13, 14 and can promote tumorigenesis in mammalian cells11, 15. Polyploidy may also affect adaptation independently of beneficial mutations through ploidy-specific changes in cell physiology16. Here we perform in vitro evolution experiments to test directly whether polyploidy can accelerate evolutionary adaptation. Compared with haploids and diploids, tetraploids undergo significantly faster adaptation. Mathematical modelling suggests that rapid adaptation of tetraploids is driven by higher rates of beneficial mutations with stronger fitness effects, which is supported by whole-genome sequencing and phenotypic analyses of evolved clones. Chromosome aneuploidy, concerted chromosome loss, and point mutations all provide large fitness gains. We identify several mutations whose beneficial effects are manifest specifically in the tetraploid strains. Together, these results provide direct quantitative evidence that in some environments polyploidy can accelerate evolutionary adaptation.

游客2015-03-10 10:33:011