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TaKaRa Clontech Laboratories公司今日宣布该公司签署了与路德维格癌症研究所的合作协议,成为路德维格癌症研究所SMART-seq2技术的独家供应商,该技术常用于单细胞RNA测序。

  TaKaRa Clontech Laboratories公司今日宣布该公司与路德维格癌症研究所签署了合作协议,成为路德维格癌症研究所SMART-seq2技术的独家供应商,该技术一般用于单细胞RNA测序。


  SMART-seq2技术是原始Smart-seq技术的一大进步,原始Smart-seq技术由 Illumina公司开发, Clontech公司运营。

  作为日本宝生物的全资子公司,Clontech公司表示其将继续发展SMART-seq2的相关技术。该公司在与路德维格癌症研究所签署SMART-seq2技术专营合同的同时,也正在积极部署开发低样本需求的单双链DNA模板的ChIP-seq文库DNA SMART试剂盒。(转化医学网360zhyx.com)

 以上为转化医学网原创翻译整理,如需转载,请联系 info@360zhyx.com 。
  NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Clontech Laboratories has signed an agreement with Ludwig Cancer Research to become the exclusive supplier of the SMART-seq2 method for single-cell RNA sequencing, the company said today.
  The method was developed in the laboratory of Rickard Sandberg at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research in Stockholm and the Karolinska Institute and published by his group in 2013. It allows researchers to sequence RNA from single cells with increased yield and length of cDNA libraries.
  SMART-seq2 is itself an improvement of the original Smart-seq method, which was developed by Illumina and commercialized by Clontech.
  Clontech, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Takara Bio of Japan, said it continues to develop related technologies, such as the recently launched DNA SMART kit for ChIP-seq library construction from low-input double-stranded and single-stranded DNA templates.

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