葛高翔PLOS Genet揭示胶原蛋白促肿瘤发展新机制
导读 | IV型胶原蛋白是组成细胞基底膜的主要结构成分。IV型胶原蛋白包含三种高度相似的胶原蛋白前体:主要类型的a1a1a2(IV),以及次要类型的a3a4a5(IV) 和a5a5a6(IV)。
5月19日,国际学术期刊PLOS Genetics 在线发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所葛高翔研究组的最新研究成果Minor Type IV Collagen a5 Chain Promotes Cancer Progression through Discoidin Domain Receptor-1,揭示了IV胶原蛋白肿瘤细胞自主性与非自主性的功能与作用机制。
IV型胶原蛋白是组成细胞基底膜的主要结构成分。IV型胶原蛋白包含三种高度相似的胶原蛋白前体:主要类型的a1a1a2(IV),以及次要类型的a3a4a5(IV) 和a5a5a6(IV)。葛高翔研究组博士研究生肖倩、姜妍等通过建立基因敲除小鼠模型特异性敲除次要类型IV型胶原蛋白,并结合自发肺癌小鼠模型探讨次要类型IV型胶原蛋白在肺癌发生发展中的功能及其作用机制。
Minor Type IV Collagen α5 Chain Promotes Cancer Progression through Discoidin Domain Receptor-1
Type IV collagens (Col IV), components of basement membrane, are essential in the maintenance of tissue integrity and proper function. Alteration of Col IV is related to developmental defects and diseases, including cancer. Col IV α chains form α1α1α2, α3α4α5 and α5α5α6 protomers that further form collagen networks. Despite knowledge on the functions of major Col IV (α1α1α2), little is known whether minor Col IV (α3α4α5 and α5α5α6) plays a role in cancer. It also remains to be elucidated whether major and minor Col IV are functionally redundant. We show that minor Col IV α5 chain is indispensable in cancer development by using α5(IV)-deficient mouse model. Ablation of α5(IV) significantly impeded the development of KrasG12D-driven lung cancer without affecting major Col IV expression. Epithelial α5(IV) supports cancer cell proliferation, while endothelial α5(IV) is essential for efficient tumor angiogenesis. α5(IV), but not α1(IV), ablation impaired expression of non-integrin collagen receptor discoidin domain receptor-1 (DDR1) and downstream ERK activation in lung cancer cells and endothelial cells. Knockdown of DDR1 in lung cancer cells and endothelial cells phenocopied the cells deficient of α5(IV). Constitutively active DDR1 or MEK1 rescued the defects of α5(IV)-ablated cells. Thus, minor Col IV α5(IV) chain supports lung cancer progression via DDR1-mediated cancer cell autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms. Minor Col IV can not be functionally compensated by abundant major Col IV.