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一项刊登在Molecular Cell上的研究报告中,来自西奈山医院的科学家们通过研究发现,黑色素瘤患者机体中控制促生长基因表达的蛋白如果处于较高水平,那么这些个体或许更不易生存下去。

  一项刊登在Molecular Cell上的研究报告中,来自西奈山医院的科学家们通过研究发现,黑色素瘤患者机体中控制促生长基因表达的蛋白如果处于较高水平,那么这些个体或许更不易生存下去。
  当前研究中研究者发现,当单一阻断H2A.Z.2蛋白的表达或联合癌症疗法时都可以有效阻断肿瘤的生长,同时还可以有效杀灭黑色素瘤细胞。Emily Bernstein博士表示,癌症是一种包含多种遗传和表观遗传改变的疾病,我认为本文研究所阐明的表观遗传学机制或可帮助我们开发新型的分子诊断技术和新型的靶向疗法。


Histone Variant H2A.Z.2 Mediates Proliferation and Drug Sensitivity of Malignant Melanoma
Molecular Cell     doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2015.05.009
Chiara Vardabasso, Alexandre Gaspar-Maia9, Dan Hasson9, Sebastian Pünzeler9, David Valle-Garcia9, Tobias Straub, Eva C. Keilhauer, Thomas Strub, Joanna Dong, Taniya Panda, Chi-Yeh Chung, Jonathan L. Yao, Rajendra Singh, Miguel F. Segura10, Barbara Fontanals-Cirera, Amit Verma, Matthias Mann, Eva Hernando, Sandra B. Hakecorrespondenceemail, Emily Bernstein
Histone variants are emerging as key regulatory molecules in cancer. We report a unique role for the H2A.Z isoform H2A.Z.2 as a driver of malignant melanoma. H2A.Z.2 is highly expressed in metastatic melanoma, correlates with decreased patient survival, and is required for cellular proliferation. Our integrated genomic analyses reveal that H2A.Z.2 controls the transcriptional output of E2F target genes in melanoma cells. These genes are highly expressed and display a distinct signature of H2A.Z occupancy. We identify BRD2 as an H2A.Z-interacting protein, levels of which are also elevated in melanoma. We further demonstrate that H2A.Z.2-regulated genes are bound by BRD2 and E2F1 in an H2A.Z.2-dependent manner. Importantly, H2A.Z.2 deficiency sensitizes melanoma cells to chemotherapy and targeted therapies. Collectively, our findings implicate H2A.Z.2 as a mediator of cell proliferation and drug sensitivity in malignant melanoma, holding translational potential for novel therapeutic strategies.

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