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如果你不能区分微笑还是皱眉,那么你很有可能睡眠不足;近日来自加州大学伯克利分校的科学家表示,睡眠不足或可使得我们正确识别人脸面部表情的能力变得迟钝,而这种迟钝会带来严重后果,比如并不能发现小孩儿生病了还是单纯的疼痛,相关研究发表于国际杂志Journal of Neuroscience上。

  如果你不能区分微笑还是皱眉,那么你很有可能睡眠不足;近日来自加州大学伯克利分校的科学家表示,睡眠不足或可使得我们正确识别人脸面部表情的能力变得迟钝,而这种迟钝会带来严重后果,比如并不能发现小孩儿生病了还是单纯的疼痛,相关研究发表于国际杂志Journal of Neuroscience上。
  研究者Matthew Walker说道,识别某人的表情不光会改变你是否决定与其接触的方式,同时还会改变对方与你接触的方式,本文研究不禁让人必须深入思考,因为在发达国家里三分之二的个体每天都得不到充足的睡眠;的确研究结果并不能预示睡眠不足的个体会有上述的表现,那么试想一下通宵达旦学习的学生、急诊室的医护工作人员、军事区域的工作人员以及值夜班的警务人员,有没有人考虑过不充足的睡眠会给他们带来什么样的结果呢?

Sleep Deprivation Impairs the Human Central and Peripheral Nervous System Discrimination of Social Threat
Journal of Neuroscience     http://www.jneurosci.org/content/35/28/10135.short
Andrea N. Goldstein-Piekarski1,2, Stephanie M. Greer1, Jared M. Saletin2, and Matthew P. Walker1,2
Facial expressions represent one of the most salient cues in our environment. They communicate the affective state and intent of an individual and, if interpreted correctly, adaptively influence the behavior of others in return. Processing of such affective stimuli is known to require reciprocal signaling between central viscerosensory brain regions and peripheral-autonomic body systems, culminating in accurate emotion discrimination. Despite emerging links between sleep and affective regulation, the impact of sleep loss on the discrimination of complex social emotions within and between the CNS and PNS remains unknown. Here, we demonstrate in humans that sleep deprivation impairs both viscerosensory brain (anterior insula, anterior cingulate cortex, amygdala) and autonomic-cardiac discrimination of threatening from affiliative facial cues. Moreover, sleep deprivation significantly degrades the normally reciprocal associations between these central and peripheral emotion-signaling systems, most prominent at the level of cardiac-amygdala coupling. In addition, REM sleep physiology across the sleep-rested night significantly predicts the next-day success of emotional discrimination within this viscerosensory network across individuals, suggesting a role for REM sleep in affective brain recalibration. Together, these findings establish that sleep deprivation compromises the faithful signaling of, and the “embodied” reciprocity between, viscerosensory brain and peripheral autonomic body processing of complex social signals. Such impairments hold ecological relevance in professional contexts in which the need for accurate interpretation of social cues is paramount yet insufficient sleep is pervasive.

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