

首页 » 2015-07-23 转化医学网 赞(2)

  理想情况下肾脏祖细胞可以直接被移植入肾脏的薄壁组织中,但实际上这并不现实,来自京都大学的研究者Kenji Osafune说道,肾脏是一种实体器官,所以在正常情况下很难通过移植的方法引入足够的细胞,而利用诱导多能干细胞或许可以帮助开发治疗肾脏疾病的新疗法。

Cell Therapy Using Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Renal Progenitors Ameliorates Acute Kidney Injury in Mice
Stem Cells Trans Med   doi: 10.5966/sctm.2014-0219
Takafumi Toyoharaa, Shin-Ichi Maea, Shin-Ichi Suetaa, Tatsuyuki Inouea, Yukiko Yamagishib, Tatsuya Kawamotob, Tomoko Kasaharaa, Azusa Hoshinaa, Taro Toyodaa, Hiromi Tanakaa, Toshikazu Araokaa, Aiko Sato-Otsuboc, Kazutoshi Takahashia, Yasunori Satod, Noboru Yamajib, Seishi Ogawac, Shinya Yamanakaa,e and Kenji Osafunea
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is defined as a rapid loss of renal function resulting from various etiologies, with a mortality rate exceeding 60% among intensive care patients. Because conventional treatments have failed to alleviate this condition, the development of regenerative therapies using human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) presents a promising new therapeutic option for AKI. We describe our methodology for generating renal progenitors from hiPSCs that show potential in ameliorating AKI. We established a multistep differentiation protocol for inducing hiPSCs into OSR1+SIX2+ renal progenitors capable of reconstituting three-dimensional proximal renal tubule-like structures in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, we found that renal subcapsular transplantation of hiPSC-derived renal progenitors ameliorated the AKI in mice induced by ischemia/reperfusion injury, significantly suppressing the elevation of blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine levels and attenuating histopathological changes, such as tubular necrosis, tubule dilatation with casts, and interstitial fibrosis. To our knowledge, few reports demonstrating the therapeutic efficacy of cell therapy with renal lineage cells generated from hiPSCs have been published. Our results suggest that regenerative medicine strategies for kidney diseases could be developed using hiPSC-derived renal cells.

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