

首页 » 研究 » 肿瘤 2015-07-28 转化医学网 赞(2)
 有时候致病菌或许也可以作为特异高效性的杀伤性武器,近日来自弗莱堡大学的科学家在Nature Communications刊登了他们的最新研究成果,研究者发现,一种鱼类毒素或许可以作为特殊药物来有效治疗癌症。

  有时候致病菌或许也可以作为特异高效性的杀伤性武器,近日来自弗莱堡大学的科学家在Nature Communications刊登了他们的最新研究成果,研究者发现,一种鱼类毒素或许可以作为特殊药物来有效治疗癌症。
  致病菌耶尔森菌属细菌可以引发人类黑死病及严重的胃肠道感染,文章中研究者Klaus Aktories及其同事对一种名为红色耶尔森菌的致病菌进行了深入研究,这种致病菌会引发鲑科类动物发生红口病,主要包括大麻哈鱼和鳟鱼,其会引发鱼类产业大面积的经济损失;研究小组在红色耶尔森菌的基因组中鉴别出一种毒素注射“机器”,这种毒素注射器结构类似于病毒侵染细菌的结构,注射器结构中的毒素Afp18是一种特殊酶类,其可以钝化开关蛋白RhoA,而RhoA对于人类和鱼类机体细胞具有重要的作用,比如其可以控制肌动蛋白纤丝的构建和破碎,这些纤丝对于细胞分裂和机体肿瘤扩散都非常重要。

Tyrosine glycosylation of Rho by Yersinia toxin impairs blastomere cell behaviour in zebrafish embryos
Nature Communications doi:10.1038/ncomms8807
Thomas Jank, Stephanie Eckerle, Marcus Steinemann, Christoph Trillhaase, Marianne Schimpl, Sebastian Wiese, Daan M. F. van Aalten, Wolfgang Driever & Klaus Aktories
Yersinia species cause zoonotic infections, including enterocolitis and plague. Here we studied Yersinia ruckeri antifeeding prophage 18 (Afp18), the toxin component of the phage tail-derived protein translocation system Afp, which causes enteric redmouth disease in salmonid fish species. Here we show that microinjection of the glycosyltransferase domain Afp18G into zebrafish embryos blocks cytokinesis, actin-dependent motility and cell blebbing, eventually abrogating gastrulation. In zebrafish ZF4 cells, Afp18G depolymerizes actin stress fibres by mono-O-GlcNAcylation of RhoA at tyrosine-34; thereby Afp18G inhibits RhoA activation by guanine nucleotide exchange factors, and blocks RhoA, but not Rac and Cdc42 downstream signalling. The crystal structure of tyrosine-GlcNAcylated RhoA reveals an open conformation of the effector loop distinct from recently described structures of GDP- or GTP-bound RhoA. Unravelling of the molecular mechanism of the toxin component Afp18 as glycosyltransferase opens new perspectives in studies of phage tail-derived protein translocation systems, which are preserved from archaea to human pathogenic prokaryotes.


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