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近日,来自美国国立卫生研究院宣布了一些资助项目的计划,这些计划将会有效利用国立癌症研究所的癌症基因组云领航(Cancer Genomics Cloud Pilots)项目来帮助评估和开发一些数据管理基础措施。

  近日,来自美国国立卫生研究院宣布了一些资助项目的计划,这些计划将会有效利用国立癌症研究所的癌症基因组云领航(Cancer Genomics Cloud Pilots)项目来帮助评估和开发一些数据管理基础措施。
  为了有效解决这个问题,2014年国立癌症研究所就开始了一个项目来构建一个基因组数据存储库的网络,这样一来该网路就可以被许多癌症研究团体安全使用并且更容易获取更多的研究数据了。与此同时国家癌症研究所也向博德研究所(Broad Institute)、系统生物学研究所及Seven Bridges Genomics授予了合同,来发展基础设施,同时也提供了全套的工具帮助对分子数据进行获取、开发以及分析。
  一些成功地方案必须包括较多的云项目来作为研究目标的一部分,而据NIH消息,方案或许会包括,在一种或多种云项目环境中开启新型的分析工具来进行新型的研究;将本地产生的遗传数据上载至云领航环境中并且联合癌症基因组图谱(The Cancer Genome Atlas)数据库中的数据进行分析,并且利用用户提供的工具或云项目来对癌症基因组图谱的数据进行处理和分析。

NIH to Fund Research Testing Cancer Genomics Cloud Pilots

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – The National Institutes of Health has announced a funding opportunity for research projects that will take advantage of the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Genomics Cloud Pilots in order to help evaluate and further develop the data-management infrastructures.

Traditionally, genomic data analysis involves downloading data stored at multiple locations, attempting to harmonize those data, and then computing them on local hardware, NIH said. However, the increase in biomedical data stemming from large-scale programs involving next-generation sequencing technology has made this model untenable.

To address this issue, in 2014 NCI kicked off an initiative to build a network of genomic data repositories that can be securely and easily accessed by the broader cancer research community.

As part of that effort, NCI awarded contracts to the Broad Institute, the Institute for Systems Biology, and Seven Bridges Genomics to develop infrastructures and sets of tools for accessing, exploring, and analyzing molecular data. Although they are all implemented through a commercial cloud provider, these so-called Cancer Genomics Cloud Pilots have distinct system designs, data presentations, and analysis resources, according to NCI.....

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