

首页 » 研究 » 肿瘤 2015-08-03 转化医学网 赞(3)
 存在于染色体外部的奇怪环状DNA和错误产生这些DNA的细胞类型并不相同,而来自弗吉尼亚大学医学院的研究人员近日指出,这些环状DNA或可用于作为检测不同类型癌症的指示器,相关研究发表于国际杂志Cell Reports上。

  存在于染色体外部的奇怪环状DNA和错误产生这些DNA的细胞类型并不相同,而来自弗吉尼亚大学医学院的研究人员近日指出,这些环状DNA或可用于作为检测不同类型癌症的指示器,相关研究发表于国际杂志Cell Reports上。

Production of Extrachromosomal MicroDNAs Is Linked to Mismatch Repair Pathways and Transcriptional Activity
Cell Reports   doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2015.05.020
Laura W. Dillon5, Pankaj Kumar5, Yoshiyuki Shibata5, Yuh-Hwa Wang, Smaranda Willcox, Jack D. Griffith, Yves Pommier, Shunichi Takeda, Anindya Duttacorrespondenceemail
MicroDNAs are <400-base extrachromosomal circles found in mammalian cells. Tens of thousands of microDNAs have been found in all tissue types, including sperm. MicroDNAs arise preferentially from areas with high gene density, GC content, and exon density from promoters with activating chromatin modifications and in sperm from the 5′-UTR of full-length LINE-1 elements, but are depleted from lamin-associated heterochromatin. Analysis of microDNAs from a set of human cancer cell lines revealed lineage-specific patterns of microDNA origins. A survey of microDNAs from chicken cells defective in various DNA repair proteins reveals that homologous recombination and non-homologous end joining repair pathways are not required for microDNA production. Deletion of the MSH3 DNA mismatch repair protein results in a significant decrease in microDNA abundance, specifically from non-CpG genomic regions. Thus, microDNAs arise as part of normal cellular physiology—either from DNA breaks associated with RNA metabolism or from replication slippage followed by mismatch repair.

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